1 /**
2 Command line tool that filters TSV files.
4 This tool filters tab-delimited files based on numeric or string comparisons
5 against specific fields. See the helpText string for details.
7 Copyright (c) 2015-2021, eBay Inc.
8 Initially written by Jon Degenhardt
10 License: Boost Licence 1.0 (http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
11 */
12 module tsv_utils.tsv_filter;
14 import std.algorithm : canFind, equal, findSplit, max, min;
15 import std.conv : to;
16 import std.exception : enforce;
17 import std.format : format;
18 import std.math : abs, isFinite, isInfinity, isNaN;
19 import std.range;
20 import std.regex;
21 import std.stdio;
22 import std..string : isNumeric;
23 import std.typecons;
24 import std.uni: asLowerCase, toLower, byGrapheme;
26 /* The program has two main parts, command line arg processing and processing the input
27  * files. Much of the work is in command line arg processing. This sets up the tests run
28  * against each input line. The tests are an array of delegates (closures) run against the
29  * fields in the line. The tests are based on command line arguments, of which there is
30  * a lengthy set, one for each test.
31  */
33 static if (__VERSION__ >= 2085) extern(C) __gshared string[] rt_options = [ "gcopt=cleanup:none" ];
35 /** Main program. Invokes command line arg processing and tsv-filter to perform
36  * the real work. Any errors are caught and reported.
37  */
38 int main(string[] cmdArgs)
39 {
40     /* When running in DMD code coverage mode, turn on report merging. */
41     version(D_Coverage) version(DigitalMars)
42     {
43         import core.runtime : dmd_coverSetMerge;
44         dmd_coverSetMerge(true);
45     }
47     TsvFilterOptions cmdopt;
48     const r = cmdopt.processArgs(cmdArgs);
49     if (!r[0]) return r[1];
50     version(LDC_Profile)
51     {
52         import ldc.profile : resetAll;
53         resetAll();
54     }
55     try tsvFilterCommand(cmdopt);
56     catch (Exception e)
57     {
58         stderr.writefln("Error [%s]: %s", cmdopt.programName, e.msg);
59         return 1;
60     }
61     return 0;
62 }
64 immutable helpText = q"EOS
65 Synopsis: tsv-filter [options] [file...]
67 Filter tab-delimited files for matching lines via comparison tests against
68 individual fields. Use '--help-verbose' for a more detailed description.
70 Fields are specified using field number or field name. Field names require
71 that the input file has a header line. Use '--help-fields' for details.
73 Global options:
74   --help-verbose      Print full help.
75   --help-options      Print the options list by itself.
76   --help-fields       Print help on specifying fields.
77   --V|version         Print version information and exit.
78   --H|header          Treat the first line of each file as a header.
79   --or                Evaluate tests as an OR rather than an AND clause.
80   --v|invert          Invert the filter, printing lines that do not match.
81   --c|count           Print only a count of the matched lines.
82   --d|delimiter CHR   Field delimiter. Default: TAB.
83   --label STR         Rather than filter, mark each record as passing the
84                          filter or not. STR is the header, ignored if there
85                          is no header line.
86   --label-values STR1:STR2
87                       The pass/no-pass values used by '--label'. Defaults
88                          to '1' and '0'.
89   --line-buffered     Immediately output every matched line.
91 Operators:
92 * Test if a field is empty (no characters) or blank (empty or whitespace only).
93   Syntax:  --empty|not-empty|blank|not-blank  FIELD
94   Example: --empty name               # True if the 'name' field is empty
96 * Test if a field is numeric, finite, NaN, or infinity
97   Syntax:  --is-numeric|is-finite|is-nan|is-infinity FIELD
98   Example: --is-numeric 5 --gt 5:100  # Ensure field 5 is numeric before --gt test.
100 * Compare a field to a number (integer or float)
101   Syntax:  --eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge  FIELD:NUM
102   Example: --lt size:1000 --gt weight:0.5  # ('size' < 1000) and ('weight' > 0.5)
104 * Compare a field to a string
105   Syntax:  --str-eq|str-ne|istr-eq|istr-ne  FIELD:STR
106   Example: --str-eq color:red         # True if 'color' field is "red"
108 * Test if a field contains a string (substring search)
109   Syntax:  --str-in-fld|str-not-in-fld|istr-in-fld|istr-not-in-fld  FIELD:STR
110   Example: --str-in-fld color:dark    # True if 'color field contains "dark"
112 * Test if a field matches a regular expression.
113   Syntax:  --regex|iregex|not-regex|not-iregex  FIELD:REGEX
114   Example: --regex '3:ab*c'     # True if field 3 contains "ac", "abc", "abbc", etc.
116 * Test a field's character or byte length
117   Syntax:  --char-len-[le|lt|ge|gt|eq|ne] FIELD:NUM
118            --byte-len-[le|lt|ge|gt|eq|ne] FIELD:NUM
119   Example: --char-len-lt 2:10   # True if field 2 is less than 10 characters long.
120            --byte-len-gt 2:10   # True if field 2 is greater than 10 bytes long.
122 * Field to field comparisons - Similar to field vs literal comparisons, but field vs field.
123   Syntax:  --ff-eq|ff-ne|ff-lt|ff-le|ff-gt|ff-ge  FIELD1:FIELD2
124            --ff-str-eq|ff-str-ne|ff-istr-eq|ff-istr-ne  FIELD1:FIELD2
125   Example: --ff-eq 2:4          # True if fields 2 and 4 are numerically equivalent
126            --ff-str-eq 2:4      # True if fields 2 and 4 are the same strings
128 * Field to field difference comparisons - Absolute and relative difference
129   Syntax:  --ff-absdiff-le|ff-absdiff-gt FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM
130            --ff-reldiff-le|ff-reldiff-gt FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM
131   Example: --ff-absdiff-lt 1:3:0.25   # True if abs(field1 - field2) < 0.25
133 EOS";
135 immutable helpTextVerbose = q"EOS
136 Synopsis: tsv-filter [options] [file...]
138 Filter lines of tab-delimited files via comparison tests against fields.
139 Multiple tests can be specified, by default they are evaluated as an AND
140 clause. Lines satisfying the tests are written to standard output.
142 Typical test syntax is '--op field:value', where 'op' is an operator,
143 'field' is a either a field name and or field number, and 'value' is the
144 comparison basis. For example, '--lt length:500' tests if the 'length'
145 field is less than 500. A more complete example:
147   tsv-filter --header --gt length:50 --lt length:100 --le width:200 data.tsv
149 This outputs all lines from file data.tsv where the 'length' field is
150 greater than 50 and less than 100, and the 'width' field is less than or
151 equal to 200. The header line is also output.
153 Field numbers can also be used to identify fields, and must be used when
154 the input file doesn't have a header line. For example:
156   tsv-filter --gt 1:50 --lt 1:100 --le 2:200 data.tsv
158 Field lists can be used to specify multiple fields at once. For example:
160   tsv-filter --not-blank 1-10 --str-ne 1,2,5:'--' data.tsv
162 tests that fields 1-10 are not blank and fields 1,2,5 are not "--".
164 Wildcarded field names can also be used to specify multiple fields. The
165 following finds lines where any field name ending in '*_id' is empty:
167   tsv-filter -H --or --empty '*_id'
169 Use '--help-fields' for details on using field names.
171 Tests available include:
172   * Test if a field is empty (no characters) or blank (empty or whitespace only).
173   * Test if a field is interpretable as a number, a finite number, NaN, or Infinity.
174   * Compare a field to a number - Numeric equality and relational tests.
175   * Compare a field to a string - String equality and relational tests.
176   * Test if a field matches a regular expression. Case sensitive or insensitive.
177   * Test if a field contains a string. Sub-string search, case sensitive or insensitive.
178   * Test a field's character or byte length.
179   * Field to field comparisons - Similar to the other tests, except comparing
180     one field to another in the same line.
182 As an alternative to filtering, records can be marked to indicate if they meet
183 the filter criteria or not. For example, the following will add a field to each
184 record indicating if the 'Color' field is a primary color.
186   tsv-filter -H --or --str-eq Color:Red --str-eq Color:Yellow str-eq Color:Blue \
187   --label IsPrimaryColor data.tsv
189 Values default to '1' and '0' and can be changed using '--label-values'. The
190 header name pass to '--label' is ignored if headers are not being used.
192 Details:
193   * The run is aborted if there are not enough fields in an input line.
194   * Numeric tests will fail and abort the run if a field cannot be interpreted as a
195     number. This includes fields with no text. To avoid this use '--is-numeric' or
196     '--is-finite' prior to the numeric test. For example, '--is-numeric 5 --gt 5:100'
197     ensures field 5 is numeric before running the --gt test.
198   * Regular expression syntax is defined by the D programming language. They follow
199     common conventions (perl, python, etc.). Most common forms work as expected.
200   * Output is buffered by default to improve performance. Use '--line-buffered' to
201     have each matched line immediately written out.
203 Options:
204 EOS";
206 immutable helpTextOptions = q"EOS
207 Synopsis: tsv-filter [options] [file...]
209 Options:
210 EOS";
212 /* The next blocks of code define the structure of the boolean tests run against input lines.
213  * This includes function and delegate (closure) signatures, creation mechanisms, option
214  * handlers, etc. Command line arg processing to build the test structure.
215 */
217 /* FieldsPredicate delegate signature - Each input line is run against a set of boolean
218  * tests. Each test is a 'FieldsPredicate'. A FieldsPredicate is a delegate (closure)
219  * containing all info about the test except the field values of the line being tested.
220  * These delegates are created as part of command line arg processing. The wrapped data
221  * includes operation, field indexes, literal values, etc. At run-time the delegate is
222  * passed one argument, the split input line.
223  */
224 alias FieldsPredicate = bool delegate(const char[][] fields);
226 /* FieldsPredicate function signatures - These aliases represent the different function
227  * signatures used in FieldsPredicate delegates. Each alias has a corresponding 'make'
228  * function. The 'make' function takes a real predicate function and closure args and
229  * returns a FieldsPredicate delegate. Predicates types are:
230  *
231  * - FieldUnaryPredicate - Test based on a single field. (e.g. --empty 4)
232  * - FieldVsNumberPredicate - Test based on a field index (used to get the field value)
233  *   and a fixed numeric value. For example, field 2 less than 100 (--lt 2:100).
234  * - FieldVsStringPredicate - Test based on a field and a string. (e.g. --str-eq 2:abc)
235  * - FieldVsIStringPredicate - Case-insensitive test based on a field and a string.
236  *   (e.g. --istr-eq 2:abc)
237  * - FieldVsRegexPredicate - Test based on a field and a regex. (e.g. --regex '2:ab*c')
238  * - FieldVsFieldPredicate - Test based on two fields. (e.g. --ff-le 2:4).
239  *
240  * An actual FieldsPredicate takes the fields from the line and the closure args and
241  * runs the test. For example, a function testing if a field is less than a specific
242  * value would pull the specified field from the fields array, convert the string to
243  * a number, then run the less-than test.
244  */
245 alias FieldUnaryPredicate    = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index);
246 alias FieldVsNumberPredicate = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double value);
247 alias FieldVsStringPredicate = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string value);
248 alias FieldVsIStringPredicate = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index, dstring value);
249 alias FieldVsRegexPredicate  = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index, Regex!char value);
250 alias FieldVsFieldPredicate  = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2);
251 alias FieldFieldNumPredicate  = bool function(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value);
253 FieldsPredicate makeFieldUnaryDelegate(FieldUnaryPredicate fn, size_t index)
254 {
255     return fields => fn(fields, index);
256 }
258 FieldsPredicate makeFieldVsNumberDelegate(FieldVsNumberPredicate fn, size_t index, double value)
259 {
260     return fields => fn(fields, index, value);
261 }
263 FieldsPredicate makeFieldVsStringDelegate(FieldVsStringPredicate fn, size_t index, string value)
264 {
265     return fields => fn(fields, index, value);
266 }
268 FieldsPredicate makeFieldVsIStringDelegate(FieldVsIStringPredicate fn, size_t index, dstring value)
269 {
270     return fields => fn(fields, index, value);
271 }
273 FieldsPredicate makeFieldVsRegexDelegate(FieldVsRegexPredicate fn, size_t index, Regex!char value)
274 {
275     return fields => fn(fields, index, value);
276 }
278 FieldsPredicate makeFieldVsFieldDelegate(FieldVsFieldPredicate fn, size_t index1, size_t index2)
279 {
280     return fields => fn(fields, index1, index2);
281 }
283 FieldsPredicate makeFieldFieldNumDelegate(FieldFieldNumPredicate fn, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value)
284 {
285     return fields => fn(fields, index1, index2, value);
286 }
288 /* Predicate functions - These are the actual functions used in a FieldsPredicate. They
289  * are a direct reflection of the operators available via command line args. Each matches
290  * one of the FieldsPredicate function aliases defined above.
291  */
292 bool fldEmpty(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].length == 0; }
293 bool fldNotEmpty(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].length != 0; }
294 bool fldBlank(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return cast(bool) fields[index].matchFirst(ctRegex!`^\s*$`); }
295 bool fldNotBlank(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return !fields[index].matchFirst(ctRegex!`^\s*$`); }
297 bool fldIsNumeric(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].isNumeric; }
298 bool fldIsFinite(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].isNumeric && fields[index].to!double.isFinite; }
299 bool fldIsNaN(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].isNumeric && fields[index].to!double.isNaN; }
300 bool fldIsInfinity(const char[][] fields, size_t index) { return fields[index].isNumeric && fields[index].to!double.isInfinity; }
302 bool numLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double <= val; }
303 bool numLT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double  < val; }
304 bool numGE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double >= val; }
305 bool numGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double  > val; }
306 bool numEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double == val; }
307 bool numNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].to!double != val; }
309 bool strLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index] <= val; }
310 bool strLT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index]  < val; }
311 bool strGE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index] >= val; }
312 bool strGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index]  > val; }
313 bool strEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index] == val; }
314 bool strNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index] != val; }
315 bool strInFld(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return fields[index].canFind(val); }
316 bool strNotInFld(const char[][] fields, size_t index, string val) { return !fields[index].canFind(val); }
318 /* Note: For istr predicates, the command line value has been lower-cased by fieldVsIStringOptionHander.
319  */
320 bool istrEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index, dstring val) { return fields[index].asLowerCase.equal(val); }
321 bool istrNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, dstring val) { return !fields[index].asLowerCase.equal(val); }
322 bool istrInFld(const char[][] fields, size_t index, dstring val) { return fields[index].asLowerCase.canFind(val); }
323 bool istrNotInFld(const char[][] fields, size_t index, dstring val) { return !fields[index].asLowerCase.canFind(val); }
325 /* Note: Case-sensitivity is built into the regex value, so these regex predicates are
326  * used for both case-sensitive and case-insensitive regex operators.
327  */
328 bool regexMatch(const char[][] fields, size_t index, Regex!char val) { return cast(bool) fields[index].matchFirst(val); }
329 bool regexNotMatch(const char[][] fields, size_t index, Regex!char val) { return !fields[index].matchFirst(val); }
331 bool charLenLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength <= val; }
332 bool charLenLT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength < val; }
333 bool charLenGE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength >= val; }
334 bool charLenGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength > val; }
335 bool charLenEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength == val; }
336 bool charLenNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].byGrapheme.walkLength != val; }
338 bool byteLenLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length <= val; }
339 bool byteLenLT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length < val; }
340 bool byteLenGE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length >= val; }
341 bool byteLenGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length > val; }
342 bool byteLenEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length == val; }
343 bool byteLenNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index, double val) { return fields[index].length != val; }
345 bool ffLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double <= fields[index2].to!double; }
346 bool ffLT(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double  < fields[index2].to!double; }
347 bool ffGE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double >= fields[index2].to!double; }
348 bool ffGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double  > fields[index2].to!double; }
349 bool ffEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double == fields[index2].to!double; }
350 bool ffNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1].to!double != fields[index2].to!double; }
351 bool ffStrEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1] == fields[index2]; }
352 bool ffStrNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2) { return fields[index1] != fields[index2]; }
353 bool ffIStrEQ(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2)
354 {
355     return equal(fields[index1].asLowerCase, fields[index2].asLowerCase);
356 }
357 bool ffIStrNE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2)
358 {
359     return !equal(fields[index1].asLowerCase, fields[index2].asLowerCase);
360 }
362 auto AbsDiff(double v1, double v2) { return (v1 - v2).abs; }
363 auto RelDiff(double v1, double v2) { return (v1 - v2).abs / min(v1.abs, v2.abs); }
365 bool ffAbsDiffLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value)
366 {
367     return AbsDiff(fields[index1].to!double, fields[index2].to!double) <= value;
368 }
369 bool ffAbsDiffGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value)
370 {
371     return AbsDiff(fields[index1].to!double, fields[index2].to!double) > value;
372 }
373 bool ffRelDiffLE(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value)
374 {
375     return RelDiff(fields[index1].to!double, fields[index2].to!double) <= value;
376 }
377 bool ffRelDiffGT(const char[][] fields, size_t index1, size_t index2, double value)
378 {
379     return RelDiff(fields[index1].to!double, fields[index2].to!double) > value;
380 }
382 /* Command line option handlers - There is a command line option handler for each
383  * predicate type. That is, one each for FieldUnaryPredicate, FieldVsNumberPredicate,
384  * etc. Option handlers are passed the tests array, the predicate function, and the
385  * command line option arguments. A FieldsPredicate delegate is created and appended to
386  * the tests array. An exception is thrown if errors are detected while processing the
387  * option, the error text is intended for the end user.
388  *
389  * All the option handlers have similar functionality, differing in option processing and
390  * error message generation. fieldVsNumberOptionHandler is described as an example. It
391  * handles command options such as '--lt 3:1000', which tests field 3 for a values less
392  * than 1000. It is passed the tests array, the 'numLE' predicate function used for the
393  * test, and the string "3:1000" representing the option value. It is also passed the
394  * header line from the first input file and an indication of whether header processing
395  * is enabled (--H|header). parseFieldList (fieldlist module) is used to parse the
396  * field-list component of the option ("3" in the example). The comparison value ("1000")
397  * is converted to a double. These are wrapped in a FieldsPredicate delegate which is
398  * added to the tests array. An error is signaled if the option string is invalid.
399  *
400  * During processing, fields indexes are converted from one-based to zero-based. As an
401  * optimization, the maximum field index is also tracked. This allows early termination of
402  * line splitting.
403  *
404  * The header line from the input file is not available when std.getop processes the
405  * command line option. The processing described above must be deferred. This is done
406  * using a 'CmdOptionHandler' delegate. There is a 'make' function for every Command line
407  * option handler that creates these. These are created during std.getopt processing.
408  * They are run when the header line becomes available.
409  *
410  * The final setup for the '--lt' (numeric less-than) operator' is as follows:
411  *   - Function 'handlerNumLE' (in TsvFilterOptions.processArgs) is associated with the
412  *     command line option "--lt <val>". When called by std.getopt it creates an option
413  *     hander delegate via 'makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler'. This is appended to an
414  *     array of delegates.
415  *   - 'fieldVsNumberOptionHandler' is invoked via the delegate after the header line
416  *     becomes available (in TsvFilterOptions.processArgs). If args are valid,
417  *     'makeFieldVsNumberDelegate' is used to create a delegate invoking the 'numLE'
418  *     predicate function. This delegate is added to the set of run-time tests.
419  *
420  * Note that in the above setup the 'numLE' predicate is specified in 'handlerNumLE'
421  * and passed through all the steps. This is how the command line option gets
422  * associated with the predicate function.
423  */
425 /* CmdOptionHandler delegate signature - This is the call made to process the command
426  * line option arguments after the header line has been read.
427  */
428 alias CmdOptionHandler = void delegate(ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex,
429                                        bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields);
431 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(FieldUnaryPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
432 {
433     return
434         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
435         => fieldUnaryOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
436 }
438 void fieldUnaryOptionHandler(
439     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
440     FieldUnaryPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
441 {
442     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
444     try foreach (fieldNum, fieldIndex;
445                  optionVal
446                  .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, headerFields)
447                  .enumerate(1))
448         {
449             tests ~= makeFieldUnaryDelegate(fn, fieldIndex);
450             maxFieldIndex = (fieldIndex > maxFieldIndex) ? fieldIndex : maxFieldIndex;
451         }
452     catch (Exception e)
453     {
454          e.msg = format("Invalid option: [--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>' or '--%s <field-list>'.",
455                         option, optionVal, e.msg, option, option);
456          throw e;
457     }
458 }
460 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(FieldVsNumberPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
461 {
462     return
463         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
464         => fieldVsNumberOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
465 }
467 void fieldVsNumberOptionHandler(
468     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
469     FieldVsNumberPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
470 {
471     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
473     auto formatErrorMsg(string option, string optionVal, string errorMessage="")
474     {
475         string optionalSpace = (errorMessage.length == 0) ? "" : " ";
476         return format(
477             "Invalid option: [--%s %s].%s%s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>:<val>' or '--%s <field-list>:<val> where <val> is a number.",
478             option, optionVal, optionalSpace, errorMessage, option, option);
479     }
481     try
482     {
483         auto optionValParse =
484             optionVal
485             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
486             (hasHeader, headerFields);
488         auto fieldIndices = optionValParse.array;
489         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse.consumed > 1, "No value after field list.");
490         double value = optionVal[optionValParse.consumed + 1 .. $].to!double;
492         foreach (fieldIndex; fieldIndices)
493         {
494             tests ~= makeFieldVsNumberDelegate(fn, fieldIndex, value);
495             maxFieldIndex = (fieldIndex > maxFieldIndex) ? fieldIndex : maxFieldIndex;
496         }
497     }
498     catch (Exception e)
499     {
500         e.msg = formatErrorMsg(option, optionVal, e.msg);
501         throw e;
502     }
503 }
505 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(FieldVsStringPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
506 {
507     return
508         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
509         => fieldVsStringOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
510 }
512 void fieldVsStringOptionHandler(
513     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
514     FieldVsStringPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
515 {
516     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
518     try
519     {
520         auto optionValParse =
521             optionVal
522             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
523             (hasHeader, headerFields);
525         auto fieldIndices = optionValParse.array;
526         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse.consumed > 1, "No value after field list.");
527         string value = optionVal[optionValParse.consumed + 1 .. $].idup;
529         foreach (fieldIndex; fieldIndices)
530         {
531             tests ~= makeFieldVsStringDelegate(fn, fieldIndex, value);
532             maxFieldIndex = (fieldIndex > maxFieldIndex) ? fieldIndex : maxFieldIndex;
533         }
535     }
536     catch (Exception e)
537     {
538         e.msg = format(
539             "[--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>:<val>' or '--%s <field-list>:<val>' where <val> is a string.",
540             option, optionVal, e.msg, option, option);
541         throw e;
542     }
543 }
545 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldVsIStringOptionHandler(FieldVsIStringPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
546 {
547     return
548         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
549         => fieldVsIStringOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
550 }
552 /* The fieldVsIStringOptionHandler lower-cases the command line argument, assuming the
553  * case-insensitive comparison will be done on lower-cased values.
554  */
555 void fieldVsIStringOptionHandler(
556     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
557     FieldVsIStringPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
558 {
559     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
561     try
562     {
563         auto optionValParse =
564             optionVal
565             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
566             (hasHeader, headerFields);
568         auto fieldIndices = optionValParse.array;
569         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse.consumed > 1, "No value after field list.");
570         string value = optionVal[optionValParse.consumed + 1 .. $].idup;
572         foreach (fieldIndex; fieldIndices)
573         {
574             tests ~= makeFieldVsIStringDelegate(fn, fieldIndex, value.to!dstring.toLower);
575             maxFieldIndex = (fieldIndex > maxFieldIndex) ? fieldIndex : maxFieldIndex;
576         }
577     }
578     catch (Exception e)
579     {
580         e.msg = format(
581             "[--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>:<val>' or '--%s <field-list>:<val>' where <val> is a string.",
582             option, optionVal, e.msg, option, option);
583         throw e;
584     }
585 }
587 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldVsRegexOptionHandler(FieldVsRegexPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal, bool caseSensitive)
588 {
589     return
590         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
591         => fieldVsRegexOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal, caseSensitive);
592 }
594 void fieldVsRegexOptionHandler(
595     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
596     FieldVsRegexPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal, bool caseSensitive)
597 {
598     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
600     try
601     {
602         auto optionValParse =
603             optionVal
604             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
605             (hasHeader, headerFields);
607         auto fieldIndices = optionValParse.array;
608         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse.consumed > 1, "No value after field list.");
610         immutable modifiers = caseSensitive ? "" : "i";
611         Regex!char value =
612             optionVal[optionValParse.consumed + 1 .. $]
613             .regex(modifiers);
615         foreach (fieldIndex; fieldIndices)
616         {
617             tests ~= makeFieldVsRegexDelegate(fn, fieldIndex, value);
618             maxFieldIndex = (fieldIndex > maxFieldIndex) ? fieldIndex : maxFieldIndex;
619         }
620     }
621     catch (RegexException e)
622     {
623         e.msg = format(
624             "[--%s %s]. Invalid regular expression: %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>:<val>' or '--%s <field-list>:<val>' where <val> is a regular expression.",
625             option, optionVal, e.msg, option, option);
626         throw e;
627     }
628     catch (Exception e)
629     {
630         e.msg = format(
631             "[--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field>:<val>' or '--%s <field-list>:<val>' where <val> is a regular expression.",
632             option, optionVal, e.msg, option, option);
633         throw e;
634     }
635 }
638 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(FieldVsFieldPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
639 {
640     return
641         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
642         => fieldVsFieldOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
643 }
645 void fieldVsFieldOptionHandler(
646     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
647     FieldVsFieldPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
648 {
649     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
651     try
652     {
653         auto optionValParse =
654             optionVal
655             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
656             (hasHeader, headerFields);
658         auto fieldIndices1 = optionValParse.array;
660         enforce(fieldIndices1.length != 0, "First field argument is empty.");
661         enforce(fieldIndices1.length == 1, "First field argument references multiple fields.");
662         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse.consumed > 1, " Second field argument is empty.");
664         auto fieldIndices2 =
665             optionVal[optionValParse.consumed + 1 .. $]
666             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, Yes.consumeEntireFieldListString)
667             (hasHeader, headerFields)
668             .array;
670         enforce(fieldIndices2.length != 0, "Second field argument is empty.");
671         enforce(fieldIndices2.length == 1, "Second field argument references multiple fields.");
673         enforce(fieldIndices1[0] != fieldIndices2[0],
674                 format("Invalid option: '--%s %s'. Field1 and field2 must be different fields", option, optionVal));
676         tests ~= makeFieldVsFieldDelegate(fn, fieldIndices1[0], fieldIndices2[0]);
677         maxFieldIndex = max(maxFieldIndex, fieldIndices1[0], fieldIndices2[0]);
678     }
679     catch (Exception e)
680     {
681         e.msg = format(
682             "[--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field1>:<field2>' where <field1> and <field2> are individual fields.",
683             option, optionVal, e.msg, option);
684         throw e;
685     }
686 }
688 CmdOptionHandler makeFieldFieldNumOptionHandler(FieldFieldNumPredicate predicateFn, string option, string optionVal)
689 {
690     return
691         (ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields)
692         => fieldFieldNumOptionHandler(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields, predicateFn, option, optionVal);
693 }
695 void fieldFieldNumOptionHandler(
696     ref FieldsPredicate[] tests, ref size_t maxFieldIndex, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
697     FieldFieldNumPredicate fn, string option, string optionVal)
698 {
699     import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
701     try
702     {
703         auto optionValParse1 =
704             optionVal
705             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
706             (hasHeader, headerFields);
708         auto fieldIndices1 = optionValParse1.array;
710         enforce(fieldIndices1.length != 0, "First field argument is empty.");
711         enforce(fieldIndices1.length == 1, "First field argument references multiple fields.");
712         enforce(optionVal.length - optionValParse1.consumed > 1, " Second field argument is empty.");
714         auto optionValSegment2 = optionVal[optionValParse1.consumed + 1 .. $];
715         auto optionValParse2 =
716             optionValSegment2
717             .parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
718             (hasHeader, headerFields);
720         auto fieldIndices2 = optionValParse2.array;
722         enforce(fieldIndices2.length != 0, "Second field argument is empty.");
723         enforce(fieldIndices2.length == 1, "Second field argument references multiple fields.");
724         enforce(optionValSegment2.length - optionValParse2.consumed > 1, "Number argument is empty.");
726         size_t field1 = fieldIndices1[0];
727         size_t field2 = fieldIndices2[0];
728         double value = optionValSegment2[optionValParse2.consumed + 1 .. $].to!double;
730         enforce(field1 != field2,
731                 format("Invalid option: '--%s %s'. Field1 and field2 must be different fields", option, optionVal));
733         tests ~= makeFieldFieldNumDelegate(fn, field1, field2, value);
734         maxFieldIndex = max(maxFieldIndex, field1, field2);
735     }
736     catch (Exception e)
737     {
738         e.msg = format(
739             "[--%s %s]. %s\n   Expected: '--%s <field1>:<field2>:<num>' where <field1> and <field2> are individual fields.",
740             option, optionVal, e.msg, option);
741         throw e;
742     }
743 }
745 /** Command line options - This struct holds the results of command line option processing.
746  * It also has a method, processArgs, that invokes command line arg processing.
747  */
748 struct TsvFilterOptions
749 {
750     import tsv_utils.common.utils : inputSourceRange, InputSourceRange, ReadHeader;
752     string programName;
753     InputSourceRange inputSources;      /// Input files
754     FieldsPredicate[] tests;            /// Derived from tests
755     size_t maxFieldIndex = 0;           /// Derived from tests
756     bool hasHeader = false;             /// --H|header
757     bool invert = false;                /// --invert
758     bool disjunct = false;              /// --or
759     bool countMatches = false;          /// --c|count
760     char delim = '\t';                  /// --delimiter
761     string label;                       /// --label
762     bool labelValuesOptionUsed = false; /// --label-values
763     bool lineBuffered = false;          /// --line-buffered
764     bool isLabeling = false;            /// Derived
765     string trueLabel = "1";             /// Derived
766     string falseLabel = "0";            /// Derived
768     /* Returns a tuple. First value is true if command line arguments were successfully
769      * processed and execution should continue, or false if an error occurred or the user
770      * asked for help. If false, the second value is the appropriate exit code (0 or 1).
771      *
772      * Returning true (execution continues) means args have been validated and the
773      * tests array has been established.
774      */
775     auto processArgs (ref string[] cmdArgs)
776     {
777         import std.algorithm : each;
778         import std.array : split;
779         import std.conv : to;
780         import std.getopt;
781         import std.path : baseName, stripExtension;
782         import tsv_utils.common.getopt_inorder;
783         import tsv_utils.common.utils : throwIfWindowsNewline;
785         bool helpVerbose = false;        // --help-verbose
786         bool helpOptions = false;        // --help-options
787         bool helpFields = false;         // --help-fields
788         bool versionWanted = false;      // --V|version
790         programName = (cmdArgs.length > 0) ? cmdArgs[0].stripExtension.baseName : "Unknown_program_name";
792         /* Command option handlers - One handler for each option. These conform to the
793          * getopt required handler signature, and separate knowledge the specific command
794          * option text from the option processing.
795          */
797         CmdOptionHandler[] cmdLineTestOptions;
799         void handlerFldEmpty(string option, string value)    { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldEmpty,    option, value); }
800         void handlerFldNotEmpty(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldNotEmpty, option, value); }
801         void handlerFldBlank(string option, string value)    { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldBlank,    option, value); }
802         void handlerFldNotBlank(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldNotBlank, option, value); }
804         void handlerFldIsNumeric(string option, string value)  { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldIsNumeric,  option, value); }
805         void handlerFldIsFinite(string option, string value)   { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldIsFinite,   option, value); }
806         void handlerFldIsNaN(string option, string value)      { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldIsNaN,      option, value); }
807         void handlerFldIsInfinity(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldUnaryOptionHandler(&fldIsInfinity, option, value); }
809         void handlerNumLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numLE, option, value); }
810         void handlerNumLT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numLT, option, value); }
811         void handlerNumGE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numGE, option, value); }
812         void handlerNumGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numGT, option, value); }
813         void handlerNumEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numEQ, option, value); }
814         void handlerNumNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&numNE, option, value); }
816         void handlerStrLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strLE, option, value); }
817         void handlerStrLT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strLT, option, value); }
818         void handlerStrGE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strGE, option, value); }
819         void handlerStrGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strGT, option, value); }
820         void handlerStrEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strEQ, option, value); }
821         void handlerStrNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strNE, option, value); }
823         void handlerStrInFld(string option, string value)    { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strInFld,    option, value); }
824         void handlerStrNotInFld(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsStringOptionHandler(&strNotInFld, option, value); }
826         void handlerIStrEQ(string option, string value)       { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsIStringOptionHandler(&istrEQ,       option, value); }
827         void handlerIStrNE(string option, string value)       { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsIStringOptionHandler(&istrNE,       option, value); }
828         void handlerIStrInFld(string option, string value)    { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsIStringOptionHandler(&istrInFld,    option, value); }
829         void handlerIStrNotInFld(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsIStringOptionHandler(&istrNotInFld, option, value); }
831         void handlerRegexMatch(string option, string value)     { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsRegexOptionHandler(&regexMatch,    option, value, true); }
832         void handlerRegexNotMatch(string option, string value)  { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsRegexOptionHandler(&regexNotMatch, option, value, true); }
833         void handlerIRegexMatch(string option, string value)    { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsRegexOptionHandler(&regexMatch,    option, value, false); }
834         void handlerIRegexNotMatch(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsRegexOptionHandler(&regexNotMatch, option, value, false); }
836         void handlerCharLenLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenLE, option, value); }
837         void handlerCharLenLT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenLT, option, value); }
838         void handlerCharLenGE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenGE, option, value); }
839         void handlerCharLenGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenGT, option, value); }
840         void handlerCharLenEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenEQ, option, value); }
841         void handlerCharLenNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&charLenNE, option, value); }
843         void handlerByteLenLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenLE, option, value); }
844         void handlerByteLenLT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenLT, option, value); }
845         void handlerByteLenGE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenGE, option, value); }
846         void handlerByteLenGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenGT, option, value); }
847         void handlerByteLenEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenEQ, option, value); }
848         void handlerByteLenNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsNumberOptionHandler(&byteLenNE, option, value); }
850         void handlerFFLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffLE, option, value); }
851         void handlerFFLT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffLT, option, value); }
852         void handlerFFGE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffGE, option, value); }
853         void handlerFFGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffGT, option, value); }
854         void handlerFFEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffEQ, option, value); }
855         void handlerFFNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffNE, option, value); }
857         void handlerFFStrEQ(string option, string value)  { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffStrEQ,  option, value); }
858         void handlerFFStrNE(string option, string value)  { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffStrNE,  option, value); }
859         void handlerFFIStrEQ(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffIStrEQ, option, value); }
860         void handlerFFIStrNE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldVsFieldOptionHandler(&ffIStrNE, option, value); }
862         void handlerFFAbsDiffLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldFieldNumOptionHandler(&ffAbsDiffLE, option, value); }
863         void handlerFFAbsDiffGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldFieldNumOptionHandler(&ffAbsDiffGT, option, value); }
864         void handlerFFRelDiffLE(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldFieldNumOptionHandler(&ffRelDiffLE, option, value); }
865         void handlerFFRelDiffGT(string option, string value) { cmdLineTestOptions ~= makeFieldFieldNumOptionHandler(&ffRelDiffGT, option, value); }
867         /* The handleLabelValuesOption is different from the other handlers in that it is
868          * not generic. Instead it simply parses and validates the argument passed to the
869          * --label-values option. If the option is valid, it populates the `trueLabel`
870          * and `falseLabel` member variables. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
871          */
872         void handleLabelValuesOption(string option, string optionVal)
873         {
874             immutable valSplit = optionVal.findSplit(":");
876             enforce(valSplit && !valSplit[2].canFind(":") && valSplit[0] != valSplit[2],
877                     format("Invalid option: '--%s %s'.\n" ~
878                            "  Expected: '--%s STR1:STR2'. STR1 and STR2 must be different strings.\n" ~
879                            "  The colon (':') is required, niether string can contain a colon.",
880                            option, optionVal, option));
882             labelValuesOptionUsed = true;
883             trueLabel = valSplit[0];
884             falseLabel = valSplit[2];
885         }
887         try
888         {
889             arraySep = ",";    // Use comma to separate values in command line options
890             auto r = getoptInorder(
891                 cmdArgs,
892                 "help-verbose",    "     Print full help.", &helpVerbose,
893                 "help-options",    "     Print the options list by itself.", &helpOptions,
894                 "help-fields",     "     Print help on specifying fields.", &helpFields,
895                  std.getopt.config.caseSensitive,
896                 "V|version",       "     Print version information and exit.", &versionWanted,
897                 "H|header",        "     Treat the first line of each file as a header.", &hasHeader,
898                 std.getopt.config.caseInsensitive,
899                 "or",              "     Evaluate tests as an OR rather than an AND.", &disjunct,
900                 std.getopt.config.caseSensitive,
901                 "v|invert",        "     Invert the filter, printing lines that do not match.", &invert,
902                 std.getopt.config.caseInsensitive,
903                 "c|count",         "     Print only a count of the matched lines, excluding the header.", &countMatches,
904                 "d|delimiter",     "CHR  Field delimiter. Default: TAB. (Single byte UTF-8 characters only.)", &delim,
906                 "label",
907                 "STR  Do not filter. Instead, mark each record as passing the filter or not. STR is the header, ignored if there is no header line.",
908                 &label,
910                 "label-values",
911                                    "STR1:STR2   The pass/no-pass values used by '--label'. Defaults to '1' and '0'.",
912                 &handleLabelValuesOption,
914                 "line-buffered",   "     Immediately output every matched line.", &lineBuffered,
916                 "empty",           "<field-list>       True if FIELD is empty.", &handlerFldEmpty,
917                 "not-empty",       "<field-list>       True if FIELD is not empty.", &handlerFldNotEmpty,
918                 "blank",           "<field-list>       True if FIELD is empty or all whitespace.", &handlerFldBlank,
919                 "not-blank",       "<field-list>       True if FIELD contains a non-whitespace character.", &handlerFldNotBlank,
921                 "is-numeric",      "<field-list>       True if FIELD is interpretable as a number.", &handlerFldIsNumeric,
922                 "is-finite",       "<field-list>       True if FIELD is interpretable as a number and is not NaN or infinity.", &handlerFldIsFinite,
923                 "is-nan",          "<field-list>       True if FIELD is NaN.", &handlerFldIsNaN,
924                 "is-infinity",     "<field-list>       True if FIELD is infinity.", &handlerFldIsInfinity,
926                 "le",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD <= NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumLE,
927                 "lt",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD <  NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumLT,
928                 "ge",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD >= NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumGE,
929                 "gt",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD >  NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumGT,
930                 "eq",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD == NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumEQ,
931                 "ne",              "<field-list>:NUM   FIELD != NUM (numeric).", &handlerNumNE,
933                 "str-le",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD <= STR (string).", &handlerStrLE,
934                 "str-lt",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD <  STR (string).", &handlerStrLT,
935                 "str-ge",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD >= STR (string).", &handlerStrGE,
936                 "str-gt",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD >  STR (string).", &handlerStrGT,
937                 "str-eq",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD == STR (string).", &handlerStrEQ,
938                 "istr-eq",         "<field-list>:STR   FIELD == STR (string, case-insensitive).", &handlerIStrEQ,
939                 "str-ne",          "<field-list>:STR   FIELD != STR (string).", &handlerStrNE,
940                 "istr-ne",         "<field-list>:STR   FIELD != STR (string, case-insensitive).", &handlerIStrNE,
941                 "str-in-fld",      "<field-list>:STR   FIELD contains STR (substring search).", &handlerStrInFld,
942                 "istr-in-fld",     "<field-list>:STR   FIELD contains STR (substring search, case-insensitive).", &handlerIStrInFld,
943                 "str-not-in-fld",  "<field-list>:STR   FIELD does not contain STR (substring search).", &handlerStrNotInFld,
944                 "istr-not-in-fld", "<field-list>:STR   FIELD does not contain STR (substring search, case-insensitive).", &handlerIStrNotInFld,
946                 "regex",           "<field-list>:REGEX   FIELD matches regular expression.", &handlerRegexMatch,
947                 "iregex",          "<field-list>:REGEX   FIELD matches regular expression, case-insensitive.", &handlerIRegexMatch,
948                 "not-regex",       "<field-list>:REGEX   FIELD does not match regular expression.", &handlerRegexNotMatch,
949                 "not-iregex",      "<field-list>:REGEX   FIELD does not match regular expression, case-insensitive.", &handlerIRegexNotMatch,
951                 "char-len-le",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) <= NUM.", &handlerCharLenLE,
952                 "char-len-lt",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) < NUM.", &handlerCharLenLT,
953                 "char-len-ge",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) >= NUM.", &handlerCharLenGE,
954                 "char-len-gt",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) > NUM.", &handlerCharLenGT,
955                 "char-len-eq",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) == NUM.", &handlerCharLenEQ,
956                 "char-len-ne",     "<field-list>:NUM   character-length(FIELD) != NUM.", &handlerCharLenNE,
958                 "byte-len-le",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) <= NUM.", &handlerByteLenLE,
959                 "byte-len-lt",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) < NUM.", &handlerByteLenLT,
960                 "byte-len-ge",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) >= NUM.", &handlerByteLenGE,
961                 "byte-len-gt",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) > NUM.", &handlerByteLenGT,
962                 "byte-len-eq",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) == NUM.", &handlerByteLenEQ,
963                 "byte-len-ne",     "<field-list>:NUM   byte-length(FIELD) != NUM.", &handlerByteLenNE,
965                 "ff-le",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 <= FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFLE,
966                 "ff-lt",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 <  FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFLT,
967                 "ff-ge",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 >= FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFGE,
968                 "ff-gt",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 >  FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFGT,
969                 "ff-eq",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 == FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFEQ,
970                 "ff-ne",           "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 != FIELD2 (numeric).", &handlerFFNE,
971                 "ff-str-eq",       "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 == FIELD2 (string).", &handlerFFStrEQ,
972                 "ff-istr-eq",      "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 == FIELD2 (string, case-insensitive).", &handlerFFIStrEQ,
973                 "ff-str-ne",       "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 != FIELD2 (string).", &handlerFFStrNE,
974                 "ff-istr-ne",      "FIELD1:FIELD2   FIELD1 != FIELD2 (string, case-insensitive).", &handlerFFIStrNE,
976                 "ff-absdiff-le",   "FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM   abs(FIELD1 - FIELD2) <= NUM", &handlerFFAbsDiffLE,
977                 "ff-absdiff-gt",   "FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM   abs(FIELD1 - FIELD2) >  NUM", &handlerFFAbsDiffGT,
978                 "ff-reldiff-le",   "FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM   abs(FIELD1 - FIELD2) / min(abs(FIELD1), abs(FIELD2)) <= NUM", &handlerFFRelDiffLE,
979                 "ff-reldiff-gt",   "FIELD1:FIELD2:NUM   abs(FIELD1 - FIELD2) / min(abs(FIELD1), abs(FIELD2)) >  NUM", &handlerFFRelDiffGT,
980                 );
982             /* Both help texts are a bit long. In this case, for "regular" help, don't
983              * print options, just the text. The text summarizes the options.
984              */
985             if (r.helpWanted)
986             {
987                 stdout.write(helpText);
988                 return tuple(false, 0);
989             }
990             else if (helpVerbose)
991             {
992                 defaultGetoptPrinter(helpTextVerbose, r.options);
993                 return tuple(false, 0);
994             }
995             else if (helpOptions)
996             {
997                 defaultGetoptPrinter(helpTextOptions, r.options);
998                 return tuple(false, 0);
999             }
1000             else if (helpFields)
1001             {
1002                 import tsv_utils.common.fieldlist : fieldListHelpText ;
1003                 writeln(fieldListHelpText);
1004                 return tuple(false, 0);
1005             }
1006             else if (versionWanted)
1007             {
1008                 import tsv_utils.common.tsvutils_version;
1009                 writeln(tsvutilsVersionNotice("tsv-filter"));
1010                 return tuple(false, 0);
1011             }
1013             /* Input files. Remaining command line args are files. */
1014             string[] filepaths = (cmdArgs.length > 1) ? cmdArgs[1 .. $] : ["-"];
1015             cmdArgs.length = 1;
1017             /* Validations and derivations. Currently all are related to label mode. */
1018             if (!label.empty || labelValuesOptionUsed)
1019             {
1020                 enforce(!label.empty || !hasHeader,
1021                         "--label is required when using --label-values and --H|header.");
1023                 isLabeling = true;
1024             }
1026             enforce (!isLabeling || !countMatches,
1027                      format("--c|count cannot be used with --label or --label-values."));
1029             string[] headerFields;
1031             /* FieldListArgProcessing encapsulates the field list processing. It is
1032              * called prior to reading the header line if headers are not being used,
1033              * and after if headers are being used.
1034              */
1035             void fieldListArgProcessing()
1036             {
1037                 cmdLineTestOptions.each!(dg => dg(tests, maxFieldIndex, hasHeader, headerFields));
1038             }
1040             if (!hasHeader) fieldListArgProcessing();
1042             ReadHeader readHeader = hasHeader ? Yes.readHeader : No.readHeader;
1043             inputSources = inputSourceRange(filepaths, readHeader);
1045             if (hasHeader)
1046             {
1047                 throwIfWindowsNewline(inputSources.front.header, inputSources.front.name, 1);
1048                 headerFields = inputSources.front.header.split(delim).to!(string[]);
1049                 fieldListArgProcessing();
1050             }
1051         }
1052         catch (Exception e)
1053         {
1054             stderr.writefln("[%s] Error processing command line arguments: %s", programName, e.msg);
1055             return tuple(false, 1);
1056         }
1057         return tuple(true, 0);
1058     }
1059 }
1061 enum FilterMode { filter, count, label };
1063 void tsvFilterCommand(ref TsvFilterOptions cmdopt)
1064 {
1065     if (cmdopt.countMatches) tsvFilter!(FilterMode.count)(cmdopt);
1066     else if (cmdopt.isLabeling) tsvFilter!(FilterMode.label)(cmdopt);
1067     else tsvFilter!(FilterMode.filter)(cmdopt);
1068 }
1070 /** tsvFilter processes the input files and runs the tests.
1071  */
1072 void tsvFilter(FilterMode mode)(ref TsvFilterOptions cmdopt)
1073 {
1074     import std.algorithm : all, any, splitter;
1075     import std.format : formattedWrite;
1076     import std.range;
1077     import tsv_utils.common.utils : bufferedByLine, BufferedOutputRange, InputSourceRange,
1078         LineBuffered, throwIfWindowsNewline;
1080     static if (mode != FilterMode.count) assert(!cmdopt.countMatches);
1081     static if (mode != FilterMode.label) assert(!cmdopt.isLabeling);
1083     /* inputSources must be an InputSourceRange and include at least stdin. */
1084     assert(!cmdopt.inputSources.empty);
1085     static assert(is(typeof(cmdopt.inputSources) == InputSourceRange));
1087     /* BufferedOutputRange improves performance on narrow files with high percentages of
1088      * writes.
1089      */
1090     static if (mode == FilterMode.count)
1091     {
1092         immutable LineBuffered isLineBuffered = No.lineBuffered;
1093     }
1094     else
1095     {
1096         immutable LineBuffered isLineBuffered =
1097             cmdopt.lineBuffered ? Yes.lineBuffered : No.lineBuffered;
1099         auto bufferedOutput = BufferedOutputRange!(typeof(stdout))(stdout, isLineBuffered);
1100     }
1102     static if (mode == FilterMode.count) size_t matchedLines = 0;
1104      /* First header is read during command line argument processing. Immediately
1105       * flush it so subsequent processes in a unix command pipeline see it early.
1106       * This helps provide timely error messages.
1107       */
1108     static if (mode != FilterMode.count)
1109     {
1110         if (cmdopt.hasHeader && !cmdopt.inputSources.front.isHeaderEmpty)
1111         {
1112             auto inputStream = cmdopt.inputSources.front;
1114             static if (mode == FilterMode.label)
1115             {
1116                 bufferedOutput.appendln(inputStream.header, cmdopt.delim, cmdopt.label);
1117             }
1118             else
1119             {
1120                 bufferedOutput.appendln(inputStream.header);
1121             }
1123             bufferedOutput.flush;
1124         }
1125     }
1127     immutable size_t fieldIndexEnd = cmdopt.tests.empty ? 0 : cmdopt.maxFieldIndex + 1;
1129     /* Process each input file, one line at a time. */
1130     immutable size_t numTests = cmdopt.tests.length;
1131     immutable size_t fileBodyStartLine = cmdopt.hasHeader ? 2 : 1;
1132     auto lineFields = new char[][](fieldIndexEnd);
1134     foreach (inputStream; cmdopt.inputSources)
1135     {
1136         if (cmdopt.hasHeader) throwIfWindowsNewline(inputStream.header, inputStream.name, 1);
1138         foreach (lineNum, line; inputStream.file.bufferedByLine(isLineBuffered).enumerate(fileBodyStartLine))
1139         {
1140             if (lineNum == 1) throwIfWindowsNewline(line, inputStream.name, lineNum);
1142             /* Copy the needed number of fields to the fields array. */
1143             size_t fieldIndex = 0;
1145             foreach (fieldValue; line.splitter(cmdopt.delim).take(fieldIndexEnd))
1146             {
1147                 lineFields[fieldIndex] = fieldValue;
1148                 fieldIndex++;
1149             }
1151             if (fieldIndex == 0 && fieldIndexEnd != 0)
1152             {
1153                 assert(line.length == 0);
1154                 /* Bug work-around. Currently empty lines are not handled properly by splitter.
1155                  *   Bug: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15735
1156                  *   Pull Request: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/4030
1157                  * Work-around: Point to the line. It's an empty string.
1158                  */
1159                 lineFields[fieldIndex] = line;
1160                 fieldIndex++;
1161             }
1163             enforce(fieldIndex == cast(long) fieldIndexEnd,
1164                     format("Not enough fields in line. File: %s, Line: %s",
1165                            inputStream.name, lineNum));
1167             /* Run the tests. Tests will fail (throw) if a field cannot be converted
1168              * to the expected type.
1169              */
1170             try
1171             {
1172                 bool passed = cmdopt.disjunct ?
1173                     cmdopt.tests.any!(x => x(lineFields)) :
1174                     cmdopt.tests.all!(x => x(lineFields));
1175                 if (cmdopt.invert) passed = !passed;
1177                 static if (mode == FilterMode.count)
1178                 {
1179                     if (passed) ++matchedLines;
1180                 }
1181                 else static if (mode == FilterMode.label)
1182                 {
1183                     bufferedOutput.appendln(line, cmdopt.delim,
1184                                             passed ? cmdopt.trueLabel : cmdopt.falseLabel);
1185                 }
1186                 else
1187                 {
1188                     if (passed) bufferedOutput.appendln(line);
1189                 }
1190             }
1191             catch (Exception e)
1192             {
1193                 static if (mode != FilterMode.count) bufferedOutput.flush;
1194                 throw new Exception(
1195                     format("Could not process line or field: %s\n  File: %s Line: %s%s",
1196                            e.msg, inputStream.name, lineNum,
1197                            (lineNum == 1) ? "\n  Is this a header line? Use --header to skip." : ""));
1198             }
1199         }
1200     }
1202     static if (mode == FilterMode.count) writeln(matchedLines);
1203 }