
Undocumented in source.
auto helpTextVerbose = q"EOS Synopsis: tsv-select [options] [file...] tsv-select reads files or standard input and writes selected fields to standard output. Fields are written in the order listed. This is similar to Unix 'cut', but with the ability to reorder fields. Fields numbers start with one. They are comma separated and ranges can be used. Fields can be repeated, and fields not included in the '--f|fields' option can be selected as a group using '--r|rest'. Use '--H|header' to retain the header line from only the first file. Fields can be excluded using '--e|exclude'. All fields not excluded are output. '--f|fields' and '--r|rest' can be used with '--e|exclude' to reorder non-excluded fields. Examples: # Keep the first field from two files tsv-select -f 1 file1.tsv file2.tsv # Keep fields 1 and 2, retain the header from the first file tsv-select -H -f 1,2 file1.tsv file2.tsv # Field reordering and field ranges tsv-select -f 3,2,1 file.tsv tsv-select -f 1,4-7,11 file.tsv tsv-select -f 1,7-4,11 file.tsv # Repeating fields tsv-select -f 1,2,1 file.tsv tsv-select -f 1-3,3-1 file.tsv # Move field 5 to the front tsv-select -f 5 --rest last file.tsv # Move fields 4 and 5 to the end tsv-select -f 4,5 --rest first file.tsv # Drop the first field, keep everything else tsv-select --exclude 1 file.tsv # Move field 2 to the front and drop fields 10-15 tsv-select -f 2 -e 10-15 file.tsv # Move field 2 to the end, dropping fields 10-15 tsv-select -f 2 -rest first -e 10-15 file.tsv Notes: * One of '--f|fields' or '--e|exclude' is required. * Fields specified by '--f|fields' and '--e|exclude' cannot overlap. * When '--f|fields' and '--e|exclude' are used together, the effect is to specify '--rest last'. This can be overridden by using '--rest first'. * Each input line must be long enough to contain all fields specified with '--f|fields'. This is not necessary for '--e|exclude' fields. Options: EOS";
