Utility functions used by tsv-utils programs.
Convert CSV formatted data to TSV format.
Command line tool that executes a command while preserving header lines.
A simple version of the unix 'nl' program.
Command line tool that appends multiple TSV files. It is header aware and supports tracking the original source file of each row.
Command line tool that filters TSV files.
Command line tool that joins tab-separated value files based on a common key.
Command line tool that prints TSV data aligned for easier reading on consoles and traditional command-line environments.
Command line tool for shuffling or sampling lines from input streams. Several methods are available, including weighted and unweighted shuffling, simple and weighted random sampling, sampling with replacement, Bernoulli sampling, and distinct sampling.
A variant of the unix 'cut' program, with the ability to reorder fields.
Command line tool that reads TSV files and summarizes field values associated with equivalent keys.
Command line tool that identifies equivalent lines in an input stream. Equivalent lines are identified using either the full line or a set of fields as the key. By default, input is written to standard output, retaining only the first occurrence of equivalent lines. There are also options for marking and numbering equivalent lines rather, without filtering out duplicates.