
Undocumented in source.
auto helpText = q"EOS Synopsis: tsv-select -f <field-list> [options] [file...] tsv-select reads files or standard input and writes specified fields to standard output in the order listed. Similar to 'cut' with the ability to reorder fields. Fields numbers start with one. They are comma separated, and ranges can be used. Fields can be listed more than once, and fields not listed can be output using the --rest option. Multiple files with header lines can be managed with the --header option, which retains the header of the first file and drops the rest. Examples: tsv-select -f 4,2,9 file1.tsv file2.tsv tsv-select -f 1,4-7,11 file1.tsv tsv-select -f 1,7-4,11 file1.tsv tsv-select --delimiter ' ' -f 2,4,6 --rest last file1.txt cat file*.tsv | tsv-select -f 3,2,1 Options: EOS";
