
Undocumented in source.
auto helpTextVerbose = q"EOS Synopsis: tsv-uniq [options] [file...] tsv-uniq identifies equivalent lines in tab-separated value files. Input is read line by line, recording a key based on one or more of the fields. Two lines are equivalent if they have the same key. When operating in 'uniq' mode, the first time a key is seen the line is written to standard output, but subsequent lines are discarded. This is similar to the unix 'uniq' program, but based on individual fields and without requiring sorted data. This command uniq's on fields 2 and 3: tsv-uniq -f 2,3 file.tsv The alternate to 'uniq' mode is 'equiv-class' identification. In this mode, all lines are written to standard output, but with a new field added marking equivalent entries with an ID. The ID is simply a one-upped counter. Example: tsv-uniq --header -f 2,3 --equiv file.tsv tsv-uniq can be run without specifying a key field. In this case the whole line is used as a key, same as the Unix 'uniq' program. This works on any line-oriented text file, not just TSV files. The '--r|repeated' option can be used to print only lines occurring more than once. '--a|at-least N' is similar, except that it only prints lines occuring at least N times. For both, the Nth line found is printed, in the order found. The '--m|max MAX' option changes the behavior to output the first MAX lines for each key, rather than just the first line for each key. This can also with used with '--e|equiv' to limit the number output for each equivalence class. It's not obvious when both '--a|at-least' and '--m|max' might be useful, but, if both are specified, the occurrences between 'at-least' and 'max' are output. Options: EOS";
