auto fieldListHelpText =
tsv-utils Field Syntax
Most tsv-utils tools operate on fields specified on the command line. All
tools use the same syntax to identify fields. tsv-select is used in this
document for examples, but the syntax shown applies to all tools.
Fields can be identified either by a one-upped field number or by field
name. Field names require the first line of input data to be a header with
field names. Header line processing is enabled by the '--H|header' option.
Some command options only accept a single field, but many operate on lists
of fields. Here are some examples (using tsv-select):
$ tsv-select -f 1,2 file.tsv # Selection using field numbers
$ tsv-select -f 5-9 file.txt # Selection using a range
$ tsv-select -H -f RecordID file.txt # Selection using a field name
$ tsv-select -H -f Date,Time,3,5-7,9 # Mix of names, numbers, ranges
Wildcards: Named fields support a simple 'glob' style wildcarding scheme.
The asterisk character ('*') can be used to match any sequence of
characters, including no characters. This is similar to how '*' can be
used to match file names on the Unix command line. All fields with
matching names are selected, so wildcards are a convenient way to select
a set of related fields. Quotes should be placed around command line
arguments containing wildcards to avoid interpretation by the shell.
Examples - Consider a file 'data.tsv' containing timing information:
$ tsv-pretty data.tsv
run elapsed_time user_time system_time max_memory
1 57.5 52.0 5.5 1420
2 52.0 49.0 3.0 1270
3 55.5 51.0 4.5 1410
Some examples selecting fields from this file:
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 3 # Field 3 (user_time)
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f user_time # Field 3
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run,user_time # Fields 1,3
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_memory' # Field 5
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_time' # Fields 2,3,4
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 1-3 # Fields 1,2,3
$ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run-user_time # Fields 1,2,3 (range with names)
Special characters: There are several special characters that need to be
escaped when specifying field names. Escaping is done by preceeding the
special character with a backslash. Characters requiring escapes are:
asterisk (`*`), comma(`,`), colon (`:`), space (` `), hyphen (`-`), and
backslash (`\`). A field name that contains only digits also needs to be
backslash escaped, this indicates it should be treated as a field name
and not a field number. A backslash can be used to escape any character,
so it's not necessary to remember the list. Use an escape when not sure.
Examples - Consider a file with five fields named as follows:
1 test id
2 run:id
3 time-stamp
4 001
5 100
Some examples using specifying these fields by name:
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'test\ id' # Field 1
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\test\ id' # Field 1
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'run\:1' # Field 2
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'time\-stamp' # Field 3
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001' # Field 4
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\100' # Field 5
$ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001,\100' # Fields 4,5
tsv_utils common fieldlist
fieldListHelpText is text intended display to end users to describe the field-list syntax.