1 /**
2    Utilities for parsing "field-lists" entered on the command line.
4    # Field-lists
6    A "field-list" is entered on the command line to specify a set of fields for a
7    command option. A field-list is a comma separated list of individual fields and
8    "field-ranges". Fields are identified either by field number or by field names found
9    in the header line of the input data. A field-range is a pair of fields separated
10    by a hyphen and includes both the listed fields and all the fields in between.
12    $(NOTE Note: Internally, the comma separated entries in a field-list are called a
13    field-group.)
15    Fields-lists are parsed into an ordered set of one-based field numbers. Repeating
16    fields are allowed. Some examples of numeric fields with the `tsv-select` tool:
18    $(CONSOLE
19        $ tsv-select -f 3         # Field  3
20        $ tsv-select -f 3-5       # Fields 3,4,5
21        $ tsv-select -f 7,3-5     # Fields 7,3,4,5
22        $ tsv-select -f 3,5-3,5   # Fields 3,5,4,3,5
23    )
25    Fields specified by name must match a name in the header line of the input data.
26    Glob-style wildcards are supported using the asterisk (`*`) character. When
27    wildcards are used with a single field, all matching fields in the header are used.
28    When used in a field range, both field names must match a single header field.
30    Consider a file `data.tsv` containing timing information:
32    $(CONSOLE
33        $ tsv-pretty data.tsv
34        run  elapsed_time  user_time  system_time  max_memory
35          1          57.5       52.0          5.5        1420
36          2          52.0       49.0          3.0        1270
37          3          55.5       51.0          4.5        1410
38    )
40    The header fields are:
42    ```
43        1    run
44        2    elapsed_time
45        3    user_time
46        4    system_time
47        5    max_memory
48    ```
50    Some examples using named fields for this file. (Note: `-H` turns on header processing):
52    $(CONSOLE
53        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f user_time           # Field  3
54        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run,user_time       # Fields 1,3
55        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run-user_time       # Fields 1,2,3
56        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_memory'          # Field  5
57        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_time'            # Fields 2,3,4
58        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_time,*_memory'   # Fields 2,3,4,5
59        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_memory,*_time'   # Fields 5,2,3,4
60        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 'run-*_time'        # Invalid range. '*_time' matches 3 fields
61    )
63    Both field numbers and fields names can both be used in the same field-list, except
64    when specifying a field range:
66    $(CONSOLE
67        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 1,user_time         # Fields 1,3
68        $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 1-user_time         # Invalid range
69    )
71    A backslash is used to escape special characters occurring in field names. Characters
72    that must be escaped when specifying them field names are: asterisk (`*`), comma(`,`),
73    colon (`:`), space (` `), hyphen (`-`), and backslash (`\`). A backslash is also used
74    to escape numbers that should be treated as field names rather than field numbers.
75    Consider a file with the following header fields:
76    ```
77        1    test id
78        2    run:id
79        3    time-stamp
80        4    001
81        5    100
82    ```
84    These fields can be used in named field commands as follows:
86    $(CONSOLE
87        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'test\ id'          # Field 1
88        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'run\:1'            # Field 2
89        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'time\-stamp'       # Field 3
90        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001'              # Field 4
91        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\100'              # Field 5
92        $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001,\100'         # Fields 4,5
93    )
95    $(NOTE Note: The use of single quotes on the command line is necessary to avoid shell
96    interpretation of the backslash character.)
98    Fields lists are combined with other content in some command line options. The colon
99    and space characters are both terminator characters for field-lists. Some examples:
101    $(CONSOLE
102        $ tsv-filter -H --lt 3:100                        # Field 3 < 100
103        $ tsv-filter -H --lt elapsed_time:100             # 'elapsed_time' field < 100
104        $ tsv-summarize -H --quantile '*_time:0.25,0.75'  # 1st and 3rd quantiles for time fields
105    )
107    Field-list support routines identify the termination of the field-list. They do not
108    do any processing of content occurring after the field-list.
110    # Numeric field-lists
112    The original field-lists used in tsv-utils were numeric only. This is still the
113    format used when a header line is not available. They are a strict subset of the
114    field-list syntax described so above. Due to this history there are support routines
115    that only support numeric field-lists. They are used by tools supporting only numeric
116    field lists. They are also used by the more general field-list processing routines in
117    this file when a named field or field range can be reduced to a numeric field-group.
119    # Field-list utilities
121    The following functions provide the APIs for field-list processing:
123    $(LIST
124        * [parseFieldList] - The main routine for parsing a field-list entered on the
125          command line. It returns a range iterating over the field numbers represented
126          by field-list. It handles both numeric and named field-lists and works with or
127          without header lines. The range has a special member function that tracks how
128          much of the original input range has been consumed.
130        * [parseNumericFieldList] - This is a top-level routine for processing numeric
131          field-lists entered on the command line. It was the original routine used by
132          tsv-utils tools when only numeric field-lists where supported. It is still
133          used in cases where only numeric field-lists are supported.
135        * [makeFieldListOptionHandler] - Returns a delegate that can be passed to
136          std.getopt for parsing numeric field-lists. It was part of the original code
137          supporting numeric field-lists. Note that delegates passed to std.getopt do
138          not have access to the header line of the input file, so the technique can
139          only be used for numeric field-lists.
141        * [fieldListHelpText] - A global variable containing help text describing the
142          field list syntax that can be shown to end users.
143     )
145     The following private functions handle key parts of the implementation:
147     $(LIST
148        * [findFieldGroups] - Range that iterates over the "field-groups" in a
149          "field-list".
151        * [isNumericFieldGroup] - Determines if a field-group is a valid numeric
152          field-group.
154        * [isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast] - Determines if a field-group is a
155          valid numeric field-group, except for having a leading or trailing hyphen.
156          This test is used to provide better error messages. A field-group that does not
157          pass either [isNumericFieldGroup] or [isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast]
158          is processed as a named field-group.
160        * [isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup] - determines if a field group is a range where
161          one element is a field number and the other element is a named field (not a
162          number). This is used for error handling.
164        * [namedFieldGroupToRegex] - Generates regexes for matching field names in a
165          field group to field names in the header line. One regex is generated for a
166          single field, two are generated for a range. Wildcards and escape characters
167          are translated into the correct regex format.
169        * [namedFieldRegexMatches] - Returns an input range iterating over all the
170          fields (strings) in a range matching a regular expression. It is used in
171          conjunction with [namedFieldGroupToRegex] to find the fields in a header line
172          matching a regular expression and map them to field numbers.
174        * [parseNumericFieldGroup] - A helper function that parses a numeric field
175          group (a string) and returns a range that iterates over all the field numbers
176          in the field group. A numeric field-group is either a single number or a
177          range. E.g. `5` or `5-8`. This routine was part of the original code
178          supporting only numeric field-lists.
179    )
180 */
182 module tsv_utils.common.fieldlist;
184 import std.exception : enforce;
185 import std.format : format;
186 import std.range;
187 import std.regex;
188 import std.stdio;
189 import std.traits : isIntegral, isNarrowString, isUnsigned, ReturnType, Unqual;
190 import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;
192 /**
193     fieldListHelpText is text intended display to end users to describe the field-list
194     syntax.
195 */
196 immutable fieldListHelpText = q"EOS
197 tsv-utils Field Syntax
199 Most tsv-utils tools operate on fields specified on the command line. All
200 tools use the same syntax to identify fields. tsv-select is used in this
201 document for examples, but the syntax shown applies to all tools.
203 Fields can be identified either by a one-upped field number or by field
204 name. Field names require the first line of input data to be a header with
205 field names. Header line processing is enabled by the '--H|header' option.
207 Some command options only accept a single field, but many operate on lists
208 of fields. Here are some examples (using tsv-select):
210   $ tsv-select -f 1,2 file.tsv            # Selection using field numbers
211   $ tsv-select -f 5-9 file.txt            # Selection using a range
212   $ tsv-select -H -f RecordID file.txt    # Selection using a field name
213   $ tsv-select -H -f Date,Time,3,5-7,9    # Mix of names, numbers, ranges
215 Wildcards: Named fields support a simple 'glob' style wildcarding scheme.
216 The asterisk character ('*') can be used to match any sequence of
217 characters, including no characters. This is similar to how '*' can be
218 used to match file names on the Unix command line. All fields with
219 matching names are selected, so wildcards are a convenient way to select
220 a set of related fields. Quotes should be placed around command line
221 arguments containing wildcards to avoid interpretation by the shell.
223 Examples - Consider a file 'data.tsv' containing timing information:
225   $ tsv-pretty data.tsv
226   run  elapsed_time  user_time  system_time  max_memory
227     1          57.5       52.0          5.5        1420
228     2          52.0       49.0          3.0        1270
229     3          55.5       51.0          4.5        1410
231 Some examples selecting fields from this file:
233   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 3              # Field 3 (user_time)
234   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f user_time      # Field 3
235   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run,user_time  # Fields 1,3
236   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_memory'     # Field 5
237   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f '*_time'       # Fields 2,3,4
238   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f 1-3            # Fields 1,2,3
239   $ tsv-select data.tsv -H -f run-user_time  # Fields 1,2,3 (range with names)
241 Special characters: There are several special characters that need to be
242 escaped when specifying field names. Escaping is done by preceeding the
243 special character with a backslash. Characters requiring escapes are:
244 asterisk (`*`), comma(`,`), colon (`:`), space (` `), hyphen (`-`), and
245 backslash (`\`). A field name that contains only digits also needs to be
246 backslash escaped, this indicates it should be treated as a field name
247 and not a field number. A backslash can be used to escape any character,
248 so it's not necessary to remember the list. Use an escape when not sure.
250 Examples - Consider a file with five fields named as follows:
252   1   test id
253   2   run:id
254   3   time-stamp
255   4   001
256   5   100
258 Some examples using specifying these fields by name:
260   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'test\ id'          # Field 1
261   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\test\ id'         # Field 1
262   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'run\:1'            # Field 2
263   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f 'time\-stamp'       # Field 3
264   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001'              # Field 4
265   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\100'              # Field 5
266   $ tsv-select file.tsv -H -f '\001,\100'         # Fields 4,5
267 EOS";
269 /**
270    The `convertToZeroBasedIndex` flag is used as a template parameter controlling
271    whether field numbers are converted to zero-based indices. It is used by
272    [parseFieldList], [parseNumericFieldList], and [makeFieldListOptionHandler].
273 */
274 alias ConvertToZeroBasedIndex = Flag!"convertToZeroBasedIndex";
276 /**
277    The `allowFieldNumZero` flag is used as a template parameter controlling
278    whether zero is a valid field. It is used by [parseFieldList],
279    [parseNumericFieldList], and [makeFieldListOptionHandler].
280 */
281 alias AllowFieldNumZero = Flag!"allowFieldNumZero";
283 /**
284    The `consumeEntireFieldListString` flag is used as a template parameter
285    indicating whether the entire field-list string should be consumed. It is
286    used by [parseNumericFieldList].
287 */
288 alias ConsumeEntireFieldListString = Flag!"consumeEntireFieldListString";
290 /**
291    `parseFieldList` returns a range iterating over the field numbers in a field-list.
293    `parseFieldList` is the main routine for parsing field-lists entered on the command
294    line. It handles both numeric and named field-lists. The elements of the returned
295    range are sequence of 1-up field numbers corresponding to the fields specified in
296    the field-list string.
298    An error is thrown if the field-list string is malformed. The error text is
299    intended for display to the user invoking the tsv-utils tool from the command
300    line.
302    Named field-lists require an array of field names from the header line. Named
303    fields are allowed only if a header line is available. Using a named field-list
304    without a header line generates an error message referencing the headerCmdArg
305    string as a hint to the end user.
307    Several optional modes of operation are available:
309    $(LIST
310        * Conversion to zero-based indexes (`convertToZero` template parameter) - Returns
311          the field numbers as zero-based array indices rather than 1-based field numbers.
313        * Allow zero as a field number (`allowZero` template parameter) - This allows zero
314          to be used as a field number. This is typically used to allow the user to
315          specify the entire line rather than an individual field. Use a signed result
316          type if also using covertToZero, as this will be returned as (-1).
318        * Consuming the entire field list string (`consumeEntire` template parameter) - By
319          default, an error is thrown if the entire field-list string is not consumed.
320          This is the most common behavior. Turning this off (the `No` option) will
321          terminate processing without error when a valid field-list termination character
322          is found. The `parseFieldList.consumed` member function can be used to see where
323          in the input string processing terminated.
324    )
326    The optional `cmdOptionString` and `headerCmdArg` arguments are used to generate better
327    error messages. `cmdOptionString` should be the command line arguments string passed to
328    `std.getopt`. e.g `"f|field"`. This is added to the error message. Callers already
329    adding the option name to the error message should pass the empty string.
331    The `headerCmdArg` argument should be the option for turning on header line processing.
332    This is standard for tsv-utils tools (`--H|header`), so most tsv-utils tools will use
333    the default value.
335    `parseFieldList` returns a reference range. This is so the `consumed` member function
336    remains valid when using the range with facilities that would copy a value-based
337    range.
338 */
339 auto parseFieldList(T = size_t,
340                     ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
341                     AllowFieldNumZero allowZero = No.allowFieldNumZero,
342                     ConsumeEntireFieldListString consumeEntire = Yes.consumeEntireFieldListString)
343 (string fieldList, bool hasHeader = false, string[] headerFields = [],
344  string cmdOptionString = "", string headerCmdArg = "H|header")
345 if (isIntegral!T && (!allowZero || !convertToZero || !isUnsigned!T))
346 {
347     final class Result
348     {
349         private string _fieldList;
350         private bool _hasHeader;
351         private string[] _headerFields;
352         private string _cmdOptionMsgPart;
353         private string _headerCmdArg;
354         private ReturnType!(findFieldGroups!string) _fieldGroupRange;
355         private bool _isFrontNumericRange;
356         private ReturnType!(parseNumericFieldGroup!(T, convertToZero, allowZero)) _numericFieldRange;
357         private ReturnType!(namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero, string[])) _namedFieldMatches;
358         private size_t _consumed;
360         this(string fieldList, bool hasHeader, string[] headerFields,
361              string cmdOptionString, string headerCmdArg)
362         {
363             _fieldList = fieldList;
364             _hasHeader = hasHeader;
365             _headerFields = headerFields.dup;
366             if (!cmdOptionString.empty) _cmdOptionMsgPart = "[--" ~ cmdOptionString ~ "] ";
367             if (!headerCmdArg.empty) _headerCmdArg = "--" ~ headerCmdArg;
368             _fieldGroupRange = findFieldGroups(fieldList);
370             /* _namedFieldMatches must be initialized in the constructor because it
371              * is a nested struct.
372              */
373             _namedFieldMatches = namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(["X"], ctRegex!`^No Match$`);
375             try
376             {
377                 consumeNextFieldGroup();
378                 enforce(!empty, format("Empty field list: '%s'.", _fieldList));
379             }
380             catch (Exception e)
381             {
382                 throw new Exception(_cmdOptionMsgPart ~ e.msg);
383             }
385             assert(_consumed <= _fieldList.length);
386         }
388         private void consumeNextFieldGroup()
389         {
390             if (!_fieldGroupRange.empty)
391             {
392                 auto fieldGroup = _fieldGroupRange.front.value;
393                 _consumed = _fieldGroupRange.front.consumed;
394                 _fieldGroupRange.popFront;
396                 enforce(!fieldGroup.isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast,
397                         format("Incomplete ranges are not supported: '%s'.",
398                                fieldGroup));
400                 if (fieldGroup.isNumericFieldGroup)
401                 {
402                     _isFrontNumericRange = true;
403                     _numericFieldRange =
404                         parseNumericFieldGroup!(T, convertToZero, allowZero)(fieldGroup);
405                 }
406                 else
407                 {
408                     enforce(_hasHeader,
409                             format("Non-numeric field group: '%s'. Use '%s' when using named field groups.",
410                                    fieldGroup, _headerCmdArg));
412                     enforce(!fieldGroup.isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup,
413                             format("Ranges with both numeric and named components are not supported: '%s'.",
414                                    fieldGroup));
416                     auto fieldGroupRegex = namedFieldGroupToRegex(fieldGroup);
418                     if (!fieldGroupRegex[1].empty)
419                     {
420                         /* A range formed by a pair of field names. Find the field
421                          * numbers and generate the string form of the numeric
422                          * field-group. Pass this to parseNumberFieldRange.
423                          */
424                         auto f0 = namedFieldRegexMatches(_headerFields, fieldGroupRegex[0]).array;
425                         auto f1 = namedFieldRegexMatches(_headerFields, fieldGroupRegex[1]).array;
427                         string hintMsg = "Not specifying a range? Backslash escape any hyphens in the field name.";
429                         enforce(f0.length > 0,
430                                 format("First field in range not found in file header. Range: '%s'.\n%s",
431                                        fieldGroup, hintMsg));
432                         enforce(f1.length > 0,
433                                 format("Second field in range not found in file header. Range: '%s'.\n%s",
434                                        fieldGroup, hintMsg));
435                         enforce(f0.length == 1,
436                                 format("First field in range matches multiple header fields. Range: '%s'.\n%s",
437                                        fieldGroup, hintMsg));
438                         enforce(f1.length == 1,
439                                 format("Second field in range matches multiple header fields. Range: '%s'.\n%s",
440                                        fieldGroup, hintMsg));
442                         _isFrontNumericRange = true;
443                         auto fieldGroupAsNumericRange = format("%d-%d", f0[0][0], f1[0][0]);
444                         _numericFieldRange =
445                             parseNumericFieldGroup!(T, convertToZero, allowZero)(fieldGroupAsNumericRange);
446                     }
447                     else
448                     {
449                         enforce (!fieldGroupRegex[0].empty, "Empty field list entry: '%s'.", fieldGroup);
451                         _isFrontNumericRange = false;
452                         _namedFieldMatches =
453                             namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(_headerFields, fieldGroupRegex[0]);
455                         enforce(!_namedFieldMatches.empty,
456                                 format("Field not found in file header: '%s'.", fieldGroup));
457                     }
458                 }
459             }
460         }
462         bool empty() @safe
463         {
464             return _fieldGroupRange.empty &&
465                 (_isFrontNumericRange ? _numericFieldRange.empty : _namedFieldMatches.empty);
466         }
468         @property T front() @safe
469         {
470             assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty field list.");
471             return _isFrontNumericRange ? _numericFieldRange.front : _namedFieldMatches.front[0];
472         }
474         void popFront() @safe
475         {
477             /* TODO: Move these definitions to a common location in the file. */
478             enum char SPACE = ' ';
479             enum char COLON = ':';
481             assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty field-list.");
483             try
484             {
485                 if (_isFrontNumericRange) _numericFieldRange.popFront;
486                 else _namedFieldMatches.popFront;
488                 if (_isFrontNumericRange ? _numericFieldRange.empty : _namedFieldMatches.empty)
489                 {
490                     consumeNextFieldGroup();
491                 }
493                 assert(_consumed <= _fieldList.length);
495                 if (empty)
496                 {
497                     static if (consumeEntire)
498                     {
499                         enforce(_consumed == _fieldList.length,
500                                 format("Invalid field list: '%s'.", _fieldList));
501                     }
502                     else
503                     {
504                         enforce((_consumed == _fieldList.length ||
505                                  _fieldList[_consumed] == SPACE ||
506                                  _fieldList[_consumed] == COLON),
507                                 format("Invalid field list: '%s'.", _fieldList));
508                     }
509                 }
510             }
511             catch (Exception e)
512             {
513                 throw new Exception(_cmdOptionMsgPart ~ e.msg);
514             }
515         }
517         size_t consumed() const nothrow pure @safe
518         {
519             return _consumed;
520         }
521     }
523     return new Result(fieldList, hasHeader, headerFields, cmdOptionString, headerCmdArg);
524 }
526 /// Basic cases showing how `parseFieldList` works
527 @safe unittest
528 {
529     import std.algorithm : each, equal;
531     string[] emptyHeader = [];
533     // Numeric field-lists, with no header line.
534     assert(`5`.parseFieldList
535            .equal([5]));
537     assert(`10`.parseFieldList(false, emptyHeader)
538            .equal([10]));
540     assert(`1-3,17`.parseFieldList(false, emptyHeader)
541            .equal([1, 2, 3, 17]));
543     // General field lists, when a header line is available
544     assert(`5,1-3`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`, `f4`, `f5`])
545            .equal([5, 1, 2, 3]));
547     assert(`f1`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`])
548            .equal([1]));
550     assert(`f3`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`])
551            .equal([3]));
553     assert(`f1-f3`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`])
554            .equal([1, 2, 3]));
556     assert(`f3-f1`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`])
557            .equal([3, 2, 1]));
559     assert(`f*`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`])
560            .equal([1, 2, 3]));
562     assert(`B*`.parseFieldList(true, [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`])
563            .equal([3, 4]));
565     assert(`*2`.parseFieldList(true, [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`])
566            .equal([2, 4]));
568     assert(`1-2,f4`.parseFieldList(true, [`f1`, `f2`, `f3`, `f4`, `f5`])
569            .equal([1, 2, 4]));
571     /* The next few examples are closer to the code that would really be
572      * used during in command line arg processing.
573      */
574     {
575         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
576         bool hasHeader = true;
577         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
578         auto fieldListCmdArg = `B*,A1`;
579         auto fieldNumbers = fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption);
580         assert(fieldNumbers.equal([3, 4, 1]));
581         assert(fieldNumbers.consumed == fieldListCmdArg.length);
582     }
583     {
584         /* Supplimentary options after the field-list. */
585         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
586         bool hasHeader = false;
587         string[] headerFields;
588         auto fieldListCmdArg = `3,4:option`;
589         auto fieldNumbers =
590             fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
591                                             No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
592             (hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption);
593         assert(fieldNumbers.equal([3, 4]));
594         assert(fieldNumbers.consumed == 3);
595         assert(fieldListCmdArg[fieldNumbers.consumed .. $] == `:option`);
596     }
597     {
598         /* Supplimentary options after the field-list. */
599         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
600         bool hasHeader = true;
601         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
602         auto fieldListCmdArg = `B*:option`;
603         auto fieldNumbers =
604             fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
605                                             No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
606             (hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption);
607         assert(fieldNumbers.equal([3, 4]));
608         assert(fieldNumbers.consumed == 2);
609         assert(fieldListCmdArg[fieldNumbers.consumed .. $] == `:option`);
610     }
611     {
612         /* Supplementary options after the field-list. */
613         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
614         bool hasHeader = true;
615         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
616         auto fieldListCmdArg = `B* option`;
617         auto fieldNumbers =
618             fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
619                                             No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
620             (hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption);
621         assert(fieldNumbers.equal([3, 4]));
622         assert(fieldNumbers.consumed == 2);
623         assert(fieldListCmdArg[fieldNumbers.consumed .. $] == ` option`);
624     }
625     {
626         /* Mixed numeric and named fields. */
627         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
628         bool hasHeader = true;
629         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
630         auto fieldListCmdArg = `B2,1`;
631         auto fieldNumbers =
632             fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
633                                             No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
634             (hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption);
635         assert(fieldNumbers.equal([4, 1]));
636         assert(fieldNumbers.consumed == fieldListCmdArg.length);
637     }
638 }
640 // parseFieldList - Empty and erroneous field list tests
641 @safe unittest
642 {
643     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
645     assertThrown(``.parseFieldList);
646     assertThrown(`,`.parseFieldList);
647     assertThrown(`:`.parseFieldList);
648     assertThrown(` `.parseFieldList);
649     assertThrown(`\`.parseFieldList);
650     assertThrown(`,x`.parseFieldList);
651     assertThrown(`:option`.parseFieldList);
652     assertThrown(` option`.parseFieldList);
653     assertThrown(`:1-3`.parseFieldList);
655     {
656         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
657         string cmdHeaderOption = "header";
658         bool hasHeader = true;
659         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
660         auto fieldListCmdArg = `XYZ`;
661         size_t[] fieldNumbers;
662         bool wasCaught = false;
663         try fieldNumbers = fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption).array;
664         catch (Exception e)
665         {
666             wasCaught = true;
667             assert(e.msg == "[--f|fields] Field not found in file header: 'XYZ'.");
668         }
669         finally assert(wasCaught);
670     }
671     {
672         string getoptOption = "f|fields";
673         bool hasHeader = false;             // hasHeader=false triggers this error.
674         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
675         auto fieldListCmdArg = `A1`;
676         size_t[] fieldNumbers;
677         bool wasCaught = false;
679         try fieldNumbers = fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption).array;
680         catch (Exception e)
681         {
682             wasCaught = true;
683             assert(e.msg == "[--f|fields] Non-numeric field group: 'A1'. Use '--H|header' when using named field groups.");
684         }
685         finally assert(wasCaught);
687         string cmdHeaderOption = "ZETA";
689         try fieldNumbers = fieldListCmdArg.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields, getoptOption, cmdHeaderOption).array;
690         catch (Exception e)
691         {
692             wasCaught = true;
693             assert(e.msg == "[--f|fields] Non-numeric field group: 'A1'. Use '--ZETA' when using named field groups.");
694         }
695         finally assert(wasCaught);
696     }
697     {
698         bool hasHeader = true;
699         auto headerFields = [`A1`, `A2`, `B1`, `B2`];
701         assertThrown(`XYZ`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
702         assertThrown(`XYZ-B1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
703         assertThrown(`B1-XYZ`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
704         assertThrown(`A*-B1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
705         assertThrown(`B1-A*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
706         assertThrown(`B1-`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
707         assertThrown(`-A1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
708         assertThrown(`A1-3`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
709         assertThrown(`1-A3`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, headerFields));
710     }
712 }
714 //parseFieldList - Named field groups
715 @safe unittest
716 {
717     import std.algorithm : each, equal;
719     bool hasHeader = true;
720     auto singleFieldHeader = [`a`];
722     assert(`a`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
723            .equal([1]));
725     assert(`a*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
726            .equal([1]));
728     assert(`*a`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
729            .equal([1]));
731     assert(`*a*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
732            .equal([1]));
734     assert(`*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
735            .equal([1]));
737     auto twoFieldHeader = [`f1`, `f2`];
739     assert(`f1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
740            .equal([1]));
742     assert(`f2`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
743            .equal([2]));
745     assert(`f1,f2`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
746            .equal([1, 2]));
748     assert(`f2,f1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
749            .equal([2, 1]));
751     assert(`f1-f2`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
752            .equal([1, 2]));
754     assert(`f2-f1`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
755            .equal([2, 1]));
757     assert(`*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
758            .equal([1, 2]));
760     auto multiFieldHeader = [`f1`, `f2`, `x`, `01`, `02`, `3`, `snow storm`, `雪风暴`, `Tempête de neige`, `x`];
762     assert(`*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
763            .equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]));
765     assert(`*2`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
766            .equal([2, 5]));
768     assert(`snow*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
769            .equal([7]));
771     assert(`snow\ storm`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
772            .equal([7]));
774     assert(`雪风暴`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
775            .equal([8]));
777     assert(`雪风*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
778            .equal([8]));
780     assert(`*风*`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
781            .equal([8]));
783     assert(`Tempête\ de\ neige`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
784            .equal([9]));
786     assert(`x`.parseFieldList(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
787            .equal([3, 10]));
789     /* Convert to zero - A subset of the above tests. */
790     assert(`a`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
791            .equal([0]));
793     assert(`a*`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, singleFieldHeader)
794            .equal([0]));
796     assert(`f1`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
797            .equal([0]));
799     assert(`f2`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
800            .equal([1]));
802     assert(`f2,f1`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
803            .equal([1, 0]));
805     assert(`f2-f1`.parseFieldList!(uint, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
806            .equal([1, 0]));
808     assert(`*`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
809            .equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]));
811     assert(`*2`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
812            .equal([1, 4]));
814     assert(`snow*`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
815            .equal([6]));
817     assert(`snow\ storm`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
818            .equal([6]));
820     assert(`雪风暴`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
821            .equal([7]));
823     assert(`雪风*`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
824            .equal([7]));
826     assert(`x`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
827            .equal([2, 9]));
829     /* Allow zero tests. */
830     assert(`0,f1`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
831            (hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
832            .equal([-1, 0]));
834     assert(`f2,0`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
835            (hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
836            .equal([1, -1]));
838     assert(`f2,f1,0`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
839            (hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
840            .equal([2, 1, 0]));
842     assert(`0,f2-f1`.parseFieldList!(uint, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
843            (hasHeader, twoFieldHeader)
844            .equal([0, 2, 1]));
846     assert(`*,0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
847            (hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
848            .equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0]));
850     assert(`0,snow\ storm`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)
851            (hasHeader, multiFieldHeader)
852            .equal([0,7]));
853 }
855 // parseFieldList - The same tests as used for parseNumericFieldGroup
856 @safe unittest
857 {
858     import std.algorithm : each, equal;
859     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
861     /* Basic tests. */
862     assert(`1`.parseFieldList.equal([1]));
863     assert(`1,2`.parseFieldList.equal([1, 2]));
864     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList.equal([1, 2, 3]));
865     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList.equal([1, 2]));
866     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList.equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
867     assert(`1-2,1,1-2,2,2-1`.parseFieldList.equal([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]));
868     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!size_t.equal([1, 2, 5]));
870     /* Signed Int tests */
871     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!int.equal([1]));
872     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 3]));
873     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!int.equal([1, 2]));
874     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
875     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 5]));
877     /* Convert to zero tests */
878     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0]));
879     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 2]));
880     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1]));
881     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 5, 4, 3]));
882     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 4]));
884     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0]));
885     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 2]));
886     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1]));
887     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 5, 4, 3]));
888     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 4]));
890     /* Allow zero tests. */
891     assert(`0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
892     assert(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 0, 3]));
893     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 2, 5]));
894     assert(`0`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
895     assert(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 0, 3]));
896     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 2, 5]));
897     assert(`0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([-1]));
898     assert(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0, -1, 2]));
899     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0, 1, 4]));
901     /* Error cases. */
902     assertThrown(``.parseFieldList.each);
903     assertThrown(` `.parseFieldList.each);
904     assertThrown(`,`.parseFieldList.each);
905     assertThrown(`5 6`.parseFieldList.each);
906     assertThrown(`,7`.parseFieldList.each);
907     assertThrown(`8,`.parseFieldList.each);
908     assertThrown(`8,9,`.parseFieldList.each);
909     assertThrown(`10,,11`.parseFieldList.each);
910     assertThrown(``.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
911     assertThrown(`1,2-3,`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
912     assertThrown(`2-,4`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
913     assertThrown(`1,2,3,,4`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
914     assertThrown(`,7`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
915     assertThrown(`8,`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
916     assertThrown(`10,0,,11`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
917     assertThrown(`8,9,`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
918     assertThrown(`0`.parseFieldList.each);
919     assertThrown(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList.each);
920     assertThrown(`0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero).each);
921     assertThrown(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero).each);
922     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
923     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
924     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
925 }
927 // parseFieldList - Subset of tests used for parseNumericFieldGroup, but allowing non-consumed characters.
928 @safe unittest
929 {
930     import std.algorithm : each, equal;
931     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
933     /* Basic tests. */
934     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
935            .equal([1]));
936     assert(`1,2`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
937            .equal([1, 2]));
938     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
939            .equal([1, 2, 3]));
940     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
941            .equal([1, 2]));
942     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
943            .equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
944     assert(`1-2,1,1-2,2,2-1`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
945            .equal([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]));
946     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
947            .equal([1, 2, 5]));
949     /* Signed Int tests. */
950     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
951            .equal([1]));
952     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
953            .equal([1, 2, 3]));
954     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
955            .equal([1, 2]));
956     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
957            .equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
958     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
959            .equal([1, 2, 5]));
961     /* Convert to zero tests */
962     assert(`1`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
963            .equal([0]));
964     assert(`1,2,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
965            .equal([0, 1, 2]));
966     assert(`1-2`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
967            .equal([0, 1]));
968     assert(`1-2,6-4`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
969            .equal([0, 1, 5, 4, 3]));
970     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
971            .equal([0, 1, 4]));
973     /* Allow zero tests. */
974     assert(`0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
975            .equal([0]));
976     assert(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
977            .equal([1, 0, 3]));
978     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
979            .equal([1, 2, 5]));
980     assert(`0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
981            .equal([-1]));
982     assert(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
983            .equal([0, -1, 2]));
984     assert(`1-2,5`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString)
985            .equal([0, 1, 4]));
987     /* Error cases. */
988     assertThrown(``.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
989     assertThrown(` `.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
990     assertThrown(`,`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
991     assertThrown(`,7`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
993     assertThrown(``.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
994     assertThrown(`2-,4`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
995     assertThrown(`,7`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
997     assertThrown(`0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
998     assertThrown(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1000     assertThrown(`0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1001     assertThrown(`1,0,3`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1003     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1004     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1005     assertThrown(`0-2,6-0`.parseFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1007     /* Allowed termination without consuming entire string. */
1008     {
1009         auto x = `5:abc`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString);
1010         assert(x.equal([5]));
1011         assert(x.consumed == 1);
1012     }
1014     {
1015         auto x = `1-3,6-10:abc`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString);
1016         assert(x.equal([1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]));
1017         assert(x.consumed == 8);
1018     }
1020     {
1021         auto x = `1-3,6-10 xyz`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString);
1022         assert(x.equal([1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]));
1023         assert(x.consumed == 8);
1024     }
1026     {
1027         auto x = `5 6`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString);
1028         assert(x.equal([5]));
1029         assert(x.consumed == 1);
1030     }
1032     /* Invalid termination when not consuming the entire string. */
1033     assertThrown(`8,`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1034     assertThrown(`8,9,`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1035     assertThrown(`10,,11`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1036     assertThrown(`1,2-3,`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1037     assertThrown(`1,2,3,,4`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1038     assertThrown(`8,`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1039     assertThrown(`10,0,,11`.parseFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1040     assertThrown(`8,9,`.parseFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero, No.consumeEntireFieldListString).each);
1041 }
1043 /**
1044    `findFieldGroups` creates range that iterates over the 'field-groups' in a 'field-list'.
1045    (Private function.)
1047    Input is typically a string or character array. The range becomes empty when the end
1048    of input is reached or an unescaped field-list terminator character is found.
1050    A 'field-list' is a comma separated list of 'field-groups'. A 'field-group' is a
1051    single numeric or named field, or a hyphen-separated pair of numeric or named fields.
1052    For example:
1054    ```
1055    1,3,4-7               # 3 numeric field-groups
1056    field_a,field_b       # 2 named fields
1057    ```
1059    Each element in the range is represented by a tuple of two values:
1061    $(LIST
1062        * consumed - The total index positions consumed by the range so far
1063        * value - A slice containing the text of the field-group.
1064    )
1066    The field-group slice does not contain the separator character, but this is included
1067    in the total consumed. The field-group tuples from the previous examples:
1069    ```
1070    Input: 1,2,4-7
1071       tuple(1, "1")
1072       tuple(3, "2")
1073       tuple(7, "4-7")
1075    Input: field_a,field_b
1076       tuple(7, "field_a")
1077       tuple(8, "field_b")
1078    ```
1080    The details of field-groups are not material to this routine, it is only concerned
1081    with finding the boundaries between field-groups and the termination boundary for the
1082    field-list. This is relatively straightforward. The main parsing concern is the use
1083    of escape character when delimiter characters are included in field names.
1085    Field-groups are separated by a single comma (','). A field-list is terminated by a
1086    colon (':') or space (' ') character. Comma, colon, and space characters can be
1087    included in a field-group by preceding them with a backslash. A backslash not
1088    intended as an escape character must also be backslash escaped.
1090    A field-list is also terminated if an unescaped backslash is encountered or a pair
1091    of consecutive commas. This is normally an error, but handling of these cases is left
1092    to the caller.
1094    Additional characters need to be backslash escaped inside field-groups, the asterisk
1095    ('*') and hyphen ('-') characters in particular. However, this routine needs only be
1096    aware of characters that affect field-list and field-group boundaries, which are the
1097    set listed above.
1099    Backslash escape sequences are recognized but not removed from field-groups.
1101    Field and record delimiter characters (usually TAB and newline) are not handled by
1102    this routine. They cannot be used in field names as there is no way to represent them
1103    in the header line. However, it is not necessary for this routine to check for them,
1104    these checks occurs naturally when processing header lines.
1107 */
1108 private auto findFieldGroups(Range)(Range r)
1109 if (isInputRange!Range &&
1110     (is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == char) || is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == ubyte)) &&
1111     (isNarrowString!Range || (isRandomAccessRange!Range &&
1112                               hasSlicing!Range &&
1113                               hasLength!Range))
1114    )
1115 {
1116     static struct Result
1117     {
1118         private alias R = Unqual!Range;
1119         private alias Char = ElementType!R;
1120         private alias ResultType = Tuple!(size_t, "consumed", R, "value");
1122         private R _input;
1123         private R _front;
1124         private size_t _consumed;
1126         this(Range data) nothrow pure @safe
1127         {
1128             auto fieldGroup = nextFieldGroup!true(data);
1129             assert(fieldGroup.start == 0);
1131             _front = data[0 .. fieldGroup.end];
1132             _consumed = fieldGroup.end;
1133             _input = data[fieldGroup.end .. $];
1135             // writefln("[this] data: '%s', _front: '%s', _input: '%s', _frontEnd: %d", data, _front, _input, _frontEnd);
1136         }
1138         bool empty() const nothrow pure @safe
1139         {
1140             return _front.empty;
1141         }
1143         ResultType front() const nothrow pure @safe
1144         {
1145             assert(!empty, "Attempt to take the front of an empty findFieldGroups.");
1147             return ResultType(_consumed, _front);
1148         }
1150         void popFront() nothrow pure @safe
1151         {
1152             assert(!empty, "Attempt to popFront an empty findFieldGroups.");
1154             auto fieldGroup = nextFieldGroup!false(_input);
1156             // writefln("[popFront] _input: '%s', next start: %d, next end: %d", _input, fieldGroup.start, fieldGroup.end);
1158             _front = _input[fieldGroup.start .. fieldGroup.end];
1159             _consumed += fieldGroup.end;
1160             _input = _input[fieldGroup.end .. $];
1161         }
1163         /* Finds the start and end indexes of the next field-group.
1164          *
1165          * The start and end indexes exclude delimiter characters (comma, space, colon).
1166          */
1167         private auto nextFieldGroup(bool isFirst)(R r) const nothrow pure @safe
1168         {
1169             alias RetType = Tuple!(size_t, "start", size_t, "end");
1171             enum Char COMMA = ',';
1172             enum Char BACKSLASH = '\\';
1173             enum Char SPACE = ' ';
1174             enum Char COLON = ':';
1176             if (r.empty) return RetType(0, 0);
1178             size_t start = 0;
1180             static if (!isFirst)
1181             {
1182                 if (r[0] == COMMA) start = 1;
1183             }
1185             size_t end = start;
1187             while (end < r.length)
1188             {
1189                 Char lookingAt = r[end];
1191                 if (lookingAt == COMMA || lookingAt == SPACE || lookingAt == COLON) break;
1193                 if (lookingAt == BACKSLASH)
1194                 {
1195                     if (end + 1 == r.length) break;
1196                     end += 2;
1197                 }
1198                 else
1199                 {
1200                     end += 1;
1201                 }
1202             }
1204             return RetType(start, end);
1205         }
1206     }
1208     return Result(r);
1209 }
1211 // findFieldGroups
1212 @safe unittest
1213 {
1214     import std.algorithm : equal;
1216     /* Note: backticks generate string literals without escapes. */
1218     /* Immediate termination. */
1219     assert(``.findFieldGroups.empty);
1220     assert(`,`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1221     assert(`:`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1222     assert(` `.findFieldGroups.empty);
1223     assert(`\`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1225     assert(`,1`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1226     assert(`:1`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1227     assert(` 1`.findFieldGroups.empty);
1229     /* Common cases. */
1230     assert(equal(`1`.findFieldGroups,
1231                  [tuple(1, `1`)
1232                  ]));
1234     assert(equal(`1,2`.findFieldGroups,
1235                  [tuple(1, `1`),
1236                   tuple(3, `2`)
1237                  ]));
1239     assert(equal(`1,2,3`.findFieldGroups,
1240                  [tuple(1, `1`),
1241                   tuple(3, `2`),
1242                   tuple(5, `3`)
1243                  ]));
1245     assert(equal(`1-3`.findFieldGroups,
1246                  [tuple(3, `1-3`)
1247                  ]));
1249     assert(equal(`1-3,5,7-2`.findFieldGroups,
1250                  [tuple(3, `1-3`),
1251                   tuple(5, `5`),
1252                   tuple(9, `7-2`)
1253                  ]));
1255     assert(equal(`field1`.findFieldGroups,
1256                  [tuple(6, `field1`)
1257                  ]));
1259     assert(equal(`field1,field2`.findFieldGroups,
1260                  [tuple(6, `field1`),
1261                   tuple(13, `field2`)
1262                  ]));
1264     assert(equal(`field1-field5`.findFieldGroups,
1265                  [tuple(13, `field1-field5`)
1266                  ]));
1268     assert(equal(`snow\ storm,雪风暴,Tempête\ de\ neige,Χιονοθύελλα,吹雪`.findFieldGroups,
1269                  [tuple(11, `snow\ storm`),
1270                   tuple(21, `雪风暴`),
1271                   tuple(41, `Tempête\ de\ neige`),
1272                   tuple(64, `Χιονοθύελλα`),
1273                   tuple(71, `吹雪`)
1274                  ]));
1276     /* Escape sequences. */
1277     assert(equal(`Field\ 1,Field\ 2,Field\ 5-Field\ 11`.findFieldGroups,
1278                  [tuple(8, `Field\ 1`),
1279                   tuple(17, `Field\ 2`),
1280                   tuple(36, `Field\ 5-Field\ 11`)
1281                  ]));
1283     assert(equal(`Jun\ 03\-08,Jul\ 14\-23`.findFieldGroups,
1284                  [tuple(11, `Jun\ 03\-08`),
1285                   tuple(23, `Jul\ 14\-23`)
1286                  ]));
1288     assert(equal(`field\:1`.findFieldGroups,
1289                  [tuple(8, `field\:1`)
1290                  ]));
1292     assert(equal(`\\,\,,\:,\ ,\a`.findFieldGroups,
1293                  [tuple(2, `\\`),
1294                   tuple(5, `\,`),
1295                   tuple(8, `\:`),
1296                   tuple(11, `\ `),
1297                   tuple(14, `\a`)
1298                  ]));
1300     assert(equal(`\001,\a\b\c\ \ \-\d,fld\*1`.findFieldGroups,
1301                  [tuple(4, `\001`),
1302                   tuple(19, `\a\b\c\ \ \-\d`),
1303                   tuple(26, `fld\*1`)
1304                  ]));
1306     /* field-list termination. */
1307     assert(equal(`X:`.findFieldGroups,
1308                  [tuple(1, `X`)
1309                  ]));
1311     assert(equal(`X `.findFieldGroups,
1312                  [tuple(1, `X`)
1313                  ]));
1315     assert(equal(`X\`.findFieldGroups,
1316                  [tuple(1, `X`)
1317                  ]));
1319     assert(equal(`1-3:5-7`.findFieldGroups,
1320                  [tuple(3, `1-3`)
1321                  ]));
1323     assert(equal(`1-3,4:5-7`.findFieldGroups,
1324                  [tuple(3, `1-3`),
1325                   tuple(5, `4`)
1326                  ]));
1328     assert(equal(`abc,,def`.findFieldGroups,
1329                  [tuple(3, `abc`),
1330                  ]));
1332     assert(equal(`abc,,`.findFieldGroups,
1333                  [tuple(3, `abc`),
1334                  ]));
1336     assert(equal(`abc,`.findFieldGroups,
1337                  [tuple(3, `abc`),
1338                  ]));
1340     /* Leading, trailing, or solo hyphen. Captured for error handling. */
1341     assert(equal(`-1,1-,-`.findFieldGroups,
1342                  [tuple(2, `-1`),
1343                   tuple(5, `1-`),
1344                   tuple(7, `-`)
1345                  ]));
1346 }
1348 /**
1349    `isNumericFieldGroup` determines if a field-group is a valid numeric field-group.
1350    (Private function.)
1352    A numeric field-group is single, non-negative integer or a pair of non-negative
1353    integers separated by a hyphen.
1355    Note that zero is valid by this definition, even though it is usually disallowed as a
1356    field number, except when representing the entire line.
1359 */
1360 private bool isNumericFieldGroup(const char[] fieldGroup) @safe
1361 {
1362     return cast(bool) fieldGroup.matchFirst(ctRegex!`^[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?$`);
1363 }
1365 @safe unittest
1366 {
1367     import std.conv : to;
1369     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(``));
1370     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`-`));
1371     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`\1`));
1372     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`\01`));
1373     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`1-`));
1374     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`-1`));
1375     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`a`));
1376     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`a1`));
1377     assert(!isNumericFieldGroup(`1.1`));
1379     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`1`));
1380     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`0123456789`));
1381     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`0-0`));
1382     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`3-5`));
1383     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`30-5`));
1384     assert(isNumericFieldGroup(`0123456789-0123456789`));
1386     assert(`0123456789-0123456789`.to!(char[]).isNumericFieldGroup);
1387 }
1389 /**
1390    `isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast` determines if a field-group is a field
1391    number with a leading or trailing hyphen. (Private function.)
1393    This routine is used for better error handling. Currently, incomplete field ranges
1394    are not supported. That is, field ranges leaving off the first or last field,
1395    defaulting to the end of the line. This syntax is available in `cut`, e.g.
1397    $(CONSOLE
1398        $ cut -f 2-
1399    )
1401    In `cut`, this represents field 2 to the end of the line. This routine identifies
1402    these forms so an error message specific to this case can be generated.
1405 */
1406 private bool isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(const char[] fieldGroup) @safe
1407 {
1408     return cast(bool) fieldGroup.matchFirst(ctRegex!`^((\-[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\-))$`);
1409 }
1411 @safe unittest
1412 {
1413     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(``));
1414     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`-`));
1415     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`1-2`));
1416     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`-a`));
1417     assert(isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`-1`));
1418     assert(isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`-12`));
1419     assert(isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`1-`));
1420     assert(isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`12-`));
1421     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`-1333-`));
1422     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`\-1`));
1423     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`\-12`));
1424     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`1\-`));
1425     assert(!isNumericFieldGroupWithHyphenFirstOrLast(`12\-`));
1426 }
1428 /**
1429    `isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup` determines if a field group is a range where one
1430    element is a field number and the other element is a named field (not a number).
1432    This routine is used for better error handling. Currently, field ranges must be
1433    either entirely numeric or entirely named. This is primarily to catch unintended
1434    used of a mixed range on the command line.
1437  */
1438 private bool isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(const char[] fieldGroup) @safe
1439 {
1440     /* Patterns cases:
1441      * - Field group starts with a series of digits followed by a hyphen, followed
1442      *   sequence containing a non-digit character.
1443      *      ^([0-9]+\-.*[^0-9].*)$
1444      * - Field ends with an unescaped hyphen and a series of digits. Two start cases:
1445      *   - Non-digit, non-backslash immediately preceding the hyphen
1446      *     ^(.*[^0-9\\]\-[0-9]+)$
1447      *   - Digit immediately preceding the hyphen, non-hyphen earlier
1448      *     ^(.*[^0-9].*[0-9]\-[0-9]+)$
1449      *   These two combined:
1450      *     ^( ( (.*[^0-9\\]) | (.*[^0-9].*[0-9]) ) \-[0-9]+ )$
1451      *
1452      * All cases combined:
1453      *   ^( ([0-9]+\-.*[^0-9].*) | ( (.*[^0-9\\]) | (.*[^0-9].*[0-9]) ) \-[0-9]+)$
1454      */
1455     return cast(bool) fieldGroup.matchFirst(ctRegex!`^(([0-9]+\-.*[^0-9].*)|((.*[^0-9\\])|(.*[^0-9].*[0-9]))\-[0-9]+)$`);
1456 }
1458 @safe unittest
1459 {
1460     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`1-g`));
1461     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`y-2`));
1462     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`23-zy`));
1463     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`pB-37`));
1465     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`5x-0`));
1466     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x5-9`));
1467     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`0-2m`));
1468     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`9-m2`));
1469     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`5x-37`));
1470     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x5-37`));
1471     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`37-2m`));
1472     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`37-m2`));
1474     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`18-23t`));
1475     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x12-632`));
1476     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`15-15.5`));
1478     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`1-g\-h`));
1479     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`z\-y-2`));
1480     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`23-zy\-st`));
1481     assert(isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`ts\-pB-37`));
1483     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`a-c`));
1484     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`1-3`));
1485     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\1-g`));
1486     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`-g`));
1487     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`h-`));
1488     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`-`));
1489     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(``));
1490     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\2-\3`));
1491     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\10-\20`));
1492     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x`));
1493     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`xyz`));
1494     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`0`));
1495     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`9`));
1497     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`1\-g`));
1498     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`y\-2`));
1499     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`23\-zy`));
1500     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`pB\-37`));
1501     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`18\-23t`));
1502     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x12\-632`));
1504     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`5x\-0`));
1505     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x5\-9`));
1506     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`0\-2m`));
1507     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`9\-m2`));
1508     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`5x\-37`));
1509     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`x5\-37`));
1510     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`37\-2m`));
1511     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`37\-m2`));
1513     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`1\-g\-h`));
1514     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`z\-y\-2`));
1515     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`23\-zy\-st`));
1516     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`ts\-pB\-37`));
1518     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\-g`));
1519     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`h\-`));
1520     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`i\-j`));
1521     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\-2`));
1522     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`2\-`));
1523     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`2\-3`));
1524     assert(!isMixedNumericNamedFieldGroup(`\2\-\3`));
1525 }
1527 /**
1528    `namedFieldGroupToRegex` generates regular expressions for matching fields in named
1529    field-group to field names in a header line. (Private function.)
1531    One regex is generated for a single field, two are generated for a range. These are
1532    returned as a tuple with a pair of regex instances. The first regex is used for
1533    single field entries and the first entry of range. The second regex is filled with
1534    the second entry of a range and is empty otherwise. (Test with 'empty()'.)
1536    This routine converts all field-list escape and wildcard syntax into the necessary
1537    regular expression syntax. Backslash escaped characters are converted to their plain
1538    characters and asterisk wildcarding (glob style) is converted to regex syntax.
1540    Regular expressions include beginning and end of string markers. This is intended for
1541    matching field names after they have been extracted from the header line.
1543    Most field-group syntax errors requiring end-user error messages should be detected
1544    elsewhere in field-list processing. The exception is field-names with a non-escaped
1545    leading or trailing hyphen. A user-appropriate error message is thrown for this case.
1546    Other erroneous inputs result in both regex's set empty.
1548    There is no detection of numeric field-groups. If a numeric-field group is passed in
1549    it will be treated as a named field-group and regular expressions generated.
1552 */
1553 private auto namedFieldGroupToRegex(const char[] fieldGroup)
1554 {
1555     import std.array : appender;
1556     import std.conv : to;
1557     import std.uni : byCodePoint, byGrapheme;
1559     import std.stdio;
1561     enum dchar BACKSLASH = '\\';
1562     enum dchar HYPHEN = '-';
1563     enum dchar ASTERISK = '*';
1565     auto createRegex(const dchar[] basePattern)
1566     {
1567         return ("^"d ~ basePattern ~ "$").to!string.regex;
1568     }
1570     Regex!char field1Regex;
1571     Regex!char field2Regex;
1573     auto regexString = appender!(dchar[])();
1575     bool hyphenSeparatorFound = false;
1576     bool isEscaped = false;
1577     foreach (g; fieldGroup.byGrapheme)
1578     {
1579         if (isEscaped)
1580         {
1581             put(regexString, [g].byCodePoint.escaper);
1582             isEscaped = false;
1583         }
1584         else if (g.length == 1)
1585         {
1586             if (g[0] == HYPHEN)
1587             {
1588                 enforce(!hyphenSeparatorFound && regexString.data.length != 0,
1589                         format("Hyphens in field names must be backslash escaped unless separating two field names: '%s'.",
1590                                fieldGroup));
1592                 assert(field1Regex.empty);
1594                 field1Regex = createRegex(regexString.data);
1595                 hyphenSeparatorFound = true;
1596                 regexString.clear;
1597             }
1598             else if (g[0] == BACKSLASH)
1599             {
1600                 isEscaped = true;
1601             }
1602             else if (g[0] == ASTERISK)
1603             {
1604                 put(regexString, ".*"d);
1605             }
1606             else
1607             {
1608                 put(regexString, [g].byCodePoint.escaper);
1609             }
1610         }
1611         else
1612         {
1613             put(regexString, [g].byCodePoint.escaper);
1614         }
1615     }
1616     enforce(!hyphenSeparatorFound || regexString.data.length != 0,
1617             format("Hyphens in field names must be backslash escaped unless separating two field names: '%s'.",
1618                    fieldGroup));
1620     if (!hyphenSeparatorFound)
1621     {
1622         if (regexString.data.length != 0) field1Regex = createRegex(regexString.data);
1623     }
1624     else field2Regex = createRegex(regexString.data);
1626     return tuple(field1Regex, field2Regex);
1627 }
1629 @safe unittest
1630 {
1631     import std.algorithm : all, equal;
1632     import std.exception : assertThrown;
1634     /* Use when both regexes should be empty. */
1635     void testBothRegexEmpty(string test, Tuple!(Regex!char, Regex!char) regexPair)
1636     {
1637         assert(regexPair[0].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1638         assert(regexPair[1].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1639     }
1641     /* Use when there should only be one regex. */
1642     void testFirstRegexMatches(string test, Tuple!(Regex!char, Regex!char) regexPair,
1643                                string[] regex1Matches)
1644     {
1645         assert(!regexPair[0].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1646         assert(regexPair[1].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1648         assert(regex1Matches.all!(s => s.matchFirst(regexPair[0])),
1649                format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s] regex: %s; strings: %s",
1650                       test, regexPair[0], regex1Matches));
1651     }
1653     /* Use when there should be two regex with matches. */
1654     void testBothRegexMatches(string test, Tuple!(Regex!char, Regex!char) regexPair,
1655                               const (char[])[] regex1Matches, const (char[])[] regex2Matches)
1656     {
1657         assert(!regexPair[0].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1658         assert(!regexPair[1].empty, format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s]", test));
1660         assert(regex1Matches.all!(s => s.matchFirst(regexPair[0])),
1661                format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s] regex1: %s; strings: %s",
1662                       test, regexPair[0], regex1Matches));
1664         assert(regex2Matches.all!(s => s.matchFirst(regexPair[1])),
1665                format("[namedFieldGroupToRegex: %s] regex2: %s; strings: %s",
1666                       test, regexPair[1], regex2Matches));
1667     }
1669     /* Invalid hyphen use. These are the only error cases. */
1670     assertThrown(`-`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1671     assertThrown(`a-`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1672     assertThrown(`-a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1673     assertThrown(`a-b-`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1674     assertThrown(`a-b-c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1676     /* Some special cases. These cases are caught elsewhere and errors signaled to the
1677      * user. nameFieldGroupToRegex should just send back empty.
1678      */
1679     testBothRegexEmpty(`test-empty-1`, ``.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1680     testBothRegexEmpty(`test-empty-2`, `\`.namedFieldGroupToRegex);
1682     /* Single name cases. */
1683     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-1`, `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`]);
1684     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-2`, `\a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`]);
1685     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-3`, `abc`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abc`]);
1686     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-4`, `abc*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abc`, `abcd`, `abcde`]);
1687     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-5`, `*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`, `ab`, `abc`, `abcd`, `abcde`, `*`]);
1688     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-6`, `abc\*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abc*`]);
1689     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-7`, `abc{}`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abc{}`]);
1690     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-8`, `\002`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`002`]);
1691     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-9`, `\\002`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`\002`]);
1692     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-10`, `With A Space`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`With A Space`]);
1693     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-11`, `With\-A\-Hyphen`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`With-A-Hyphen`]);
1694     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-11`, `\a\b\c\d\e\f\g`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abcdefg`]);
1695     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-12`, `雪风暴`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风暴`]);
1696     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-13`, `\雪风暴`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风暴`]);
1697     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-14`, `\雪\风\暴`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风暴`]);
1698     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-15`, `雪*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪`]);
1699     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-16`, `雪*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风`]);
1700     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-17`, `雪*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风暴`]);
1701     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-18`, `g̈각நிกำषिkʷक्षि`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`g̈각நிกำषिkʷक्षि`]);
1702     testFirstRegexMatches(`test-single-19`, `*g̈각நிกำषिkʷक्षि*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`XYZg̈각நிกำषिkʷक्षिPQR`]);
1704     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-1`, `a-b`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`], [`b`]);
1705     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-2`, `\a-\b`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`], [`b`]);
1706     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-3`, `a*-b*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a`, `ab`, `abc`], [`b`, `bc`, `bcd`]);
1707     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-4`, `abc-bcd`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`abc`], [`bcd`]);
1708     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-5`, `a\-f-r\-t`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`a-f`], [`r-t`]);
1709     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-6`, `雪风暴-吹雪`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`雪风暴`], [`吹雪`]);
1710     testBothRegexMatches(`test-pair-7`, `நிกำ각-aिg̈क्षिkʷ`.namedFieldGroupToRegex, [`நிกำ각`], [`aिg̈क्षिkʷ`]);
1711 }
1713 /**
1714    `namedFieldRegexMatches` returns an input range iterating over all the fields (strings)
1715    in an input range that match a regular expression. (Private function.)
1717    This routine is used in conjunction with `namedFieldGroupToRegex` to find the set of
1718    header line fields that match a field in a field-group expression. The input is a
1719    range where the individual elements are strings, e.g. an array of strings.
1721    The elements of the returned range are a tuple where the first element is the
1722    one-based field number of the matching field and the second is the matched field
1723    name. A zero-based index is returned if `convertToZero` is Yes.
1725    The regular expression must not be empty.
1728 */
1729 private auto namedFieldRegexMatches(T = size_t,
1730                                     ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
1731                                     Range)
1732 (Range headerFields, Regex!char fieldRegex)
1733 if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementEncodingType!Range == string))
1734 {
1735     import std.algorithm : filter;
1737     assert(!fieldRegex.empty);
1739     static if (convertToZero) enum T indexOffset = 0;
1740     else enum T indexOffset = 1;
1742     return headerFields
1743         .enumerate!(T)(indexOffset)
1744         .filter!(x => x[1].matchFirst(fieldRegex));
1745 }
1747 /* namedFieldRegexMatches tests. Some additional testing of namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1748  * though all the regex edge cases occur in the namedFieldGroupToRegex tests.
1749  */
1750 @safe unittest
1751 {
1752     import std.algorithm : equal;
1753     import std.array : array;
1755     void testBothRegexMatches(T = size_t,
1756                               ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1757         (string test, string[] headerFields,
1758          Tuple!(Regex!char, Regex!char) regexPair,
1759          Tuple!(T, string)[] regex0Matches,
1760          Tuple!(T, string)[] regex1Matches)
1761     {
1762         if (regexPair[0].empty)
1763         {
1764             assert(regex1Matches.empty,
1765                    format("[namedFieldRegexMatches: %s] (empty regex[0], non-empty matches]", test));
1766         }
1767         else
1768         {
1769             assert(equal(headerFields.namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(regexPair[0]),
1770                          regex0Matches),
1771                    format("[namedFieldRegexMatches: %s] (regex[0] mismatch\nExpected: %s\nActual  : %s",
1772                           test, regex0Matches, headerFields.namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(regexPair[0]).array));
1773         }
1775         if (regexPair[1].empty)
1776         {
1777             assert(regex1Matches.empty,
1778                    format("[namedFieldRegexMatches: %s] (empty regex[1], non-empty matches]", test));
1779         }
1780         else
1781         {
1782             assert(equal(headerFields.namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(regexPair[1]),
1783                          regex1Matches),
1784                    format("[namedFieldRegexMatches: %s] (regex[1] mismatch\nExpected: %s\nActual  : %s",
1785                           test, regex1Matches, headerFields.namedFieldRegexMatches!(T, convertToZero)(regexPair[1]).array));
1786         }
1787     }
1789     Tuple!(size_t, string)[] emptyRegexMatch;
1791     testBothRegexMatches(
1792         "test-1",
1793         [`a`, `b`, `c`],              // Header line
1794         `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,   // field-group
1795         [ tuple(1UL, `a`) ],          // regex-0 expected match
1796         emptyRegexMatch);             // regex-1 expected match
1798     testBothRegexMatches(
1799         "test-2",
1800         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1801         `b`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1802         [ tuple(2UL, `b`) ],
1803         emptyRegexMatch);
1805     testBothRegexMatches(
1806         "test-3",
1807         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1808         `c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1809         [ tuple(3UL, `c`) ],
1810         emptyRegexMatch);
1812     testBothRegexMatches(
1813         "test-4",
1814         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1815         `x`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1816         emptyRegexMatch,
1817         emptyRegexMatch);
1819     testBothRegexMatches(
1820         "test-5",
1821         [`a`],
1822         `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1823         [ tuple(1UL, `a`) ],
1824         emptyRegexMatch);
1826     testBothRegexMatches(
1827         "test-6",
1828         [`abc`, `def`, `ghi`],
1829         `abc`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1830         [ tuple(1UL, `abc`) ],
1831         emptyRegexMatch);
1833     testBothRegexMatches(
1834         "test-7",
1835         [`x_abc`, `y_def`, `x_ghi`],
1836         `x_*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1837         [ tuple(1UL, `x_abc`),  tuple(3UL, `x_ghi`),],
1838         emptyRegexMatch);
1840     testBothRegexMatches(
1841         "test-8",
1842         [`x_abc`, `y_def`, `x_ghi`],
1843         `*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1844         [ tuple(1UL, `x_abc`), tuple(2UL, `y_def`),  tuple(3UL, `x_ghi`),],
1845         emptyRegexMatch);
1847     testBothRegexMatches(
1848         "test-9",
1849         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1850         `a-c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1851         [ tuple(1UL, `a`),],
1852         [ tuple(3UL, `c`),]);
1854     testBothRegexMatches(
1855         "test-10",
1856         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1857         `c-a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1858         [ tuple(3UL, `c`),],
1859         [ tuple(1UL, `a`),]);
1861     testBothRegexMatches(
1862         "test-11",
1863         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1864         `c*-a*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1865         [ tuple(3UL, `c`),],
1866         [ tuple(1UL, `a`),]);
1868     testBothRegexMatches(
1869         "test-12",
1870         [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
1871         `abc-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1872         [ tuple(1UL, `abc`) ],
1873         [ tuple(3UL, `def`) ]);
1875     testBothRegexMatches(
1876         "test-13",
1877         [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
1878         `abc\-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1879         [ tuple(2UL, `abc-def`) ],
1880         emptyRegexMatch);
1882     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1883        ("test-101",
1884         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1885         `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1886         [ tuple(0UL, `a`) ],
1887         emptyRegexMatch);
1889     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1890         ("test-102",
1891          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1892          `b`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1893          [ tuple(1UL, `b`) ],
1894          emptyRegexMatch);
1896     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1897         ("test-103",
1898          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1899          `c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1900          [ tuple(2UL, `c`) ],
1901          emptyRegexMatch);
1903     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1904         ("test-104",
1905          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1906          `x`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1907          emptyRegexMatch,
1908          emptyRegexMatch);
1910     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1911         ("test-105",
1912          [`a`],
1913          `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1914          [ tuple(0UL, `a`) ],
1915          emptyRegexMatch);
1917     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1918         ("test-106",
1919          [`abc`, `def`, `ghi`],
1920          `abc`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1921          [ tuple(0UL, `abc`) ],
1922          emptyRegexMatch);
1924     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1925         ("test-107",
1926          [`x_abc`, `y_def`, `x_ghi`],
1927          `x_*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1928          [ tuple(0UL, `x_abc`),  tuple(2UL, `x_ghi`),],
1929          emptyRegexMatch);
1931     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1932         ("test-108",
1933          [`x_abc`, `y_def`, `x_ghi`],
1934          `*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1935          [ tuple(0UL, `x_abc`), tuple(1UL, `y_def`),  tuple(2UL, `x_ghi`),],
1936          emptyRegexMatch);
1938     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1939         ("test-109",
1940          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1941          `a-c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1942          [ tuple(0UL, `a`),],
1943          [ tuple(2UL, `c`),]);
1945     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1946         ("test-110",
1947          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1948          `c-a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1949          [ tuple(2UL, `c`),],
1950          [ tuple(0UL, `a`),]);
1952     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1953         ("test-111",
1954          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1955          `c*-a*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1956          [ tuple(2UL, `c`),],
1957          [ tuple(0UL, `a`),]);
1959     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1960         ("test-112",
1961          [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
1962          `abc-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1963          [ tuple(0UL, `abc`) ],
1964          [ tuple(2UL, `def`) ]);
1966     testBothRegexMatches!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1967         ("test-113",
1968          [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
1969          `abc\-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1970          [ tuple(1UL, `abc-def`) ],
1971          emptyRegexMatch);
1973     Tuple!(int, string)[] intEmptyRegexMatch;
1974     Tuple!(uint, string)[] uintEmptyRegexMatch;
1975     Tuple!(long, string)[] longEmptyRegexMatch;
1977     testBothRegexMatches!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1978        ("test-201",
1979         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1980         `a`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1981         [ tuple(0, `a`) ],
1982         intEmptyRegexMatch);
1984     testBothRegexMatches!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1985         ("test-202",
1986          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1987          `b`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1988          [ tuple(1L, `b`) ],
1989          longEmptyRegexMatch);
1991     testBothRegexMatches!(uint, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)
1992         ("test-203",
1993          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
1994          `c`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
1995          [ tuple(2U, `c`) ],
1996          uintEmptyRegexMatch);
1998     testBothRegexMatches!(uint, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)(
1999         "test-204",
2000         [`a`, `b`, `c`],
2001         `x`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
2002         uintEmptyRegexMatch,
2003         uintEmptyRegexMatch);
2005     testBothRegexMatches!(int)
2006         ("test-211",
2007          [`a`, `b`, `c`],
2008          `c*-a*`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
2009          [ tuple(3, `c`),],
2010          [ tuple(1, `a`),]);
2012     testBothRegexMatches!(long)
2013         ("test-212",
2014          [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
2015          `abc-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
2016          [ tuple(1L, `abc`) ],
2017          [ tuple(3L, `def`) ]);
2019     testBothRegexMatches!(uint)
2020         ("test-213",
2021          [`abc`, `abc-def`, `def`],
2022          `abc\-def`.namedFieldGroupToRegex,
2023          [ tuple(2U, `abc-def`) ],
2024          uintEmptyRegexMatch);
2025 }
2027 /**
2028     `parseNumericFieldGroup` parses a single number or number range. E.g. '5' or '5-8'.
2029     (Private function.)
2031     `parseNumericFieldGroup` returns a range that iterates over all the values in the
2032     field-group. It has options supporting conversion of field numbers to zero-based
2033     indices and the use of '0' (zero) as a field number.
2035     This was part of the original code supporting numeric field list and is used by
2036     both numeric and named field-list routines.
2039 */
2040 private auto parseNumericFieldGroup(T = size_t,
2041                                     ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
2042                                     AllowFieldNumZero allowZero = No.allowFieldNumZero)
2043     (string fieldRange)
2044 if (isIntegral!T && (!allowZero || !convertToZero || !isUnsigned!T))
2045 {
2046     import std.algorithm : findSplit;
2047     import std.conv : to;
2048     import std.range : iota;
2049     import std.traits : Signed;
2051     /* Pick the largest compatible integral type for the IOTA range. This must be the
2052      * signed type if convertToZero is true, as a reverse order range may end at -1.
2053      */
2054     static if (convertToZero) alias S = Signed!T;
2055     else alias S = T;
2057     enforce(fieldRange.length != 0, "Empty field number.");
2059     auto rangeSplit = findSplit(fieldRange, "-");
2061     /* Make sure the range does not start or end with a dash. */
2062     enforce(rangeSplit[1].empty || (!rangeSplit[0].empty && !rangeSplit[2].empty),
2063             format("Incomplete ranges are not supported: '%s'.", fieldRange));
2065     S start = rangeSplit[0].to!S;
2066     S last = rangeSplit[1].empty ? start : rangeSplit[2].to!S;
2067     Signed!T increment = (start <= last) ? 1 : -1;
2069     static if (allowZero)
2070     {
2071         enforce(rangeSplit[1].empty || (start != 0 && last != 0),
2072                 format("Zero cannot be used as part of a range: '%s'.", fieldRange));
2073     }
2075     static if (allowZero)
2076     {
2077         enforce(start >= 0 && last >= 0,
2078                 format("Field numbers must be non-negative integers: '%d'.",
2079                        (start < 0) ? start : last));
2080     }
2081     else
2082     {
2083         enforce(start >= 1 && last >= 1,
2084                 format("Field numbers must be greater than zero: '%d'.",
2085                        (start < 1) ? start : last));
2086     }
2088     static if (convertToZero)
2089     {
2090         start--;
2091         last--;
2092     }
2094     return iota(start, last + increment, increment);
2095 }
2097 // parseNumericFieldGroup.
2098 @safe unittest
2099 {
2100     import std.algorithm : equal;
2101     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
2103     /* Basic cases */
2104     assert(parseNumericFieldGroup("1").equal([1]));
2105     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup.equal([2]));
2106     assert("3-4".parseNumericFieldGroup.equal([3, 4]));
2107     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup.equal([3, 4, 5]));
2108     assert("4-3".parseNumericFieldGroup.equal([4, 3]));
2109     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup.equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2111     /* Convert to zero-based indices */
2112     assert(parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex)("1").equal([0]));
2113     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([1]));
2114     assert("3-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([2, 3]));
2115     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([2, 3, 4]));
2116     assert("4-3".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([3, 2]));
2117     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]));
2119     /* Allow zero. */
2120     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2121     assert(parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)("1").equal([1]));
2122     assert("3-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([3, 4]));
2123     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2125     /* Allow zero, convert to zero-based index. */
2126     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([-1]));
2127     assert(parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)("1").equal([0]));
2128     assert("3-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([2, 3]));
2129     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]));
2131     /* Alternate integer types. */
2132     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup!uint.equal([2]));
2133     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup!uint.equal([3, 4, 5]));
2134     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!uint.equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2135     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup!int.equal([2]));
2136     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup!int.equal([3, 4, 5]));
2137     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!int.equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2138     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort.equal([2]));
2139     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort.equal([3, 4, 5]));
2140     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort.equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2141     assert("2".parseNumericFieldGroup!short.equal([2]));
2142     assert("3-5".parseNumericFieldGroup!short.equal([3, 4, 5]));
2143     assert("10-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!short.equal([10,  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
2145     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2146     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(uint, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2147     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2148     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(ushort, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2149     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(short, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2150     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([-1]));
2151     assert("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(short, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([-1]));
2153     /* Max field value cases. */
2154     assert("65535".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort.equal([65535]));   // ushort max
2155     assert("65533-65535".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort.equal([65533, 65534, 65535]));
2156     assert("32767".parseNumericFieldGroup!short.equal([32767]));    // short max
2157     assert("32765-32767".parseNumericFieldGroup!short.equal([32765, 32766, 32767]));
2158     assert("32767".parseNumericFieldGroup!(short, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([32766]));
2160     /* Error cases. */
2161     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2162     assertThrown(" ".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2163     assertThrown("-".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2164     assertThrown(" -".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2165     assertThrown("- ".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2166     assertThrown("1-".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2167     assertThrown("-2".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2168     assertThrown("-1".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2169     assertThrown("1.0".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2170     assertThrown("0".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2171     assertThrown("0-3".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2172     assertThrown("3-0".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2173     assertThrown("-2-4".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2174     assertThrown("2--4".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2175     assertThrown("2-".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2176     assertThrown("a".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2177     assertThrown("0x3".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2178     assertThrown("3U".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2179     assertThrown("1_000".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2180     assertThrown(".".parseNumericFieldGroup);
2182     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2183     assertThrown(" ".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2184     assertThrown("-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2185     assertThrown("1-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2186     assertThrown("-2".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2187     assertThrown("-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2188     assertThrown("0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2189     assertThrown("0-3".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2190     assertThrown("3-0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2191     assertThrown("-2-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2192     assertThrown("2--4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2194     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2195     assertThrown(" ".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2196     assertThrown("-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2197     assertThrown("1-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2198     assertThrown("-2".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2199     assertThrown("-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2200     assertThrown("0-3".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2201     assertThrown("3-0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2202     assertThrown("-2-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2203     assertThrown("2--4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2205     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2206     assertThrown(" ".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2207     assertThrown("-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2208     assertThrown("1-".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2209     assertThrown("-2".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2210     assertThrown("-1".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2211     assertThrown("0-3".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2212     assertThrown("3-0".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2213     assertThrown("-2-4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2214     assertThrown("2--4".parseNumericFieldGroup!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2216     /* Value out of range cases. */
2217     assertThrown("65536".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort);   // One more than ushort max.
2218     assertThrown("65535-65536".parseNumericFieldGroup!ushort);
2219     assertThrown("32768".parseNumericFieldGroup!short);    // One more than short max.
2220     assertThrown("32765-32768".parseNumericFieldGroup!short);
2221     // Convert to zero limits signed range.
2222     assertThrown("32768".parseNumericFieldGroup!(ushort, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2223     assert("32767".parseNumericFieldGroup!(ushort, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([32766]));
2224 }
2226 /**
2227    Numeric field-lists
2229    Numeric field-lists are the original form of field-list supported by tsv-utils tools.
2230    They have largely been superseded by the more general field-list support provided by
2231    [parseFieldList], but the basic facilities for processing numeric field-lists are
2232    still available.
2234    A numeric field-list is a string entered on the command line identifying one or more
2235    field numbers. They are used by the majority of the tsv-utils applications. There are
2236    two helper functions, [makeFieldListOptionHandler] and [parseNumericFieldList]. Most
2237    applications will use [makeFieldListOptionHandler], it creates a delegate that can be
2238    passed to `std.getopt` to process the command option. Actual processing of the option
2239    text is done by [parseNumericFieldList]. It can be called directly when the text of the
2240    option value contains more than just the field number.
2242    Syntax and behavior:
2244    A 'numeric field-list' is a list of numeric field numbers entered on the command line.
2245    Fields are 1-upped integers representing locations in an input line, in the traditional
2246    meaning of Unix command line tools. Fields can be entered as single numbers or a range.
2247    Multiple entries are separated by commas. Some examples (with 'fields' as the command
2248    line option):
2250    ```
2251       --fields 3              # Single field
2252       --fields 4,1            # Two fields
2253       --fields 3-9            # A range, fields 3 to 9 inclusive
2254       --fields 1,2,7-34,11    # A mix of ranges and fields
2255       --fields 15-5,3-1       # Two ranges in reverse order.
2256    ```
2258    Incomplete ranges are not supported, for example, '6-'. Zero is disallowed as a field
2259    value by default, but can be enabled to support the notion of zero as representing the
2260    entire line. However, zero cannot be part of a range. Field numbers are one-based by
2261    default, but can be converted to zero-based. If conversion to zero-based is enabled,
2262    field number zero must be disallowed or a signed integer type specified for the
2263    returned range.
2265    An error is thrown if an invalid field specification is encountered. Error text is
2266    intended for display. Error conditions include:
2268    $(LIST
2269        * Empty fields list
2270        * Empty value, e.g. Two consecutive commas, a trailing comma, or a leading comma
2271        * String that does not parse as a valid integer
2272        * Negative integers, or zero if zero is disallowed.
2273        * An incomplete range
2274        * Zero used as part of a range.
2275    )
2277    No other behaviors are enforced. Repeated values are accepted. If zero is allowed,
2278    other field numbers can be entered as well. Additional restrictions need to be
2279    applied by the caller.
2281    Notes:
2283    $(LIST
2284        * The data type determines the max field number that can be entered. Enabling
2285          conversion to zero restricts to the signed version of the data type.
2286        * Use 'import std.typecons : Yes, No' to use the convertToZeroBasedIndex and
2287          allowFieldNumZero template parameters.
2288    )
2289 */
2291 /**
2292    `OptionHandlerDelegate` is the signature of the delegate returned by
2293    [makeFieldListOptionHandler].
2294  */
2295 alias OptionHandlerDelegate = void delegate(string option, string value);
2297 /**
2298    `makeFieldListOptionHandler` creates a std.getopt option handler for processing field-lists
2299    entered on the command line. A field-list is as defined by [parseNumericFieldList].
2300 */
2301 OptionHandlerDelegate makeFieldListOptionHandler(
2302     T,
2303     ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
2304     AllowFieldNumZero allowZero = No.allowFieldNumZero)
2305     (ref T[] fieldsArray)
2306 if (isIntegral!T && (!allowZero || !convertToZero || !isUnsigned!T))
2307 {
2308     void fieldListOptionHandler(ref T[] fieldArray, string option, string value) pure @safe
2309     {
2310         import std.algorithm : each;
2311         try value.parseNumericFieldList!(T, convertToZero, allowZero).each!(x => fieldArray ~= x);
2312         catch (Exception exc)
2313         {
2314             exc.msg = format("[--%s] %s", option, exc.msg);
2315             throw exc;
2316         }
2317     }
2319     return (option, value) => fieldListOptionHandler(fieldsArray, option, value);
2320 }
2322 // makeFieldListOptionHandler.
2323 unittest
2324 {
2325     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
2326     import std.getopt;
2328     {
2329         size_t[] fields;
2330         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2331         getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler);
2332         assert(fields == [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 22, 21]);
2333     }
2334     {
2335         size_t[] fields;
2336         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2337         getopt(args,
2338                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2339         assert(fields == [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 21, 20]);
2340     }
2341     {
2342         size_t[] fields;
2343         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0"];
2344         getopt(args,
2345                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2346         assert(fields == [0]);
2347     }
2348     {
2349         size_t[] fields;
2350         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0", "-f", "1,0", "-f", "0,1"];
2351         getopt(args,
2352                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2353         assert(fields == [0, 1, 0, 0, 1]);
2354     }
2355     {
2356         size_t[] ints;
2357         size_t[] fields;
2358         auto args = ["program", "--ints", "1,2,3", "--fields", "1", "--ints", "4,5,6", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2359         std.getopt.arraySep = ",";
2360         getopt(args,
2361                "i|ints", "Built-in list of integers.", &ints,
2362                "f|fields", "Field-list style integers.", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler);
2363         assert(ints == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
2364         assert(fields == [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 22, 21]);
2365     }
2367     /* Basic cases involved unsigned types smaller than size_t. */
2368     {
2369         uint[] fields;
2370         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0", "-f", "1,0", "-f", "0,1", "-f", "55-58"];
2371         getopt(args,
2372                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(uint, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2373         assert(fields == [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 55, 56, 57, 58]);
2374     }
2375     {
2376         ushort[] fields;
2377         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0", "-f", "1,0", "-f", "0,1", "-f", "55-58"];
2378         getopt(args,
2379                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(ushort, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2380         assert(fields == [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 55, 56, 57, 58]);
2381     }
2383     /* Basic cases involving unsigned types. */
2384     {
2385         long[] fields;
2386         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2387         getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler);
2388         assert(fields == [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 22, 21]);
2389     }
2390     {
2391         long[] fields;
2392         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2393         getopt(args,
2394                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2395         assert(fields == [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 21, 20]);
2396     }
2397     {
2398         long[] fields;
2399         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0"];
2400         getopt(args,
2401                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2402         assert(fields == [-1]);
2403     }
2404     {
2405         int[] fields;
2406         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2407         getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler);
2408         assert(fields == [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 22, 21]);
2409     }
2410     {
2411         int[] fields;
2412         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2413         getopt(args,
2414                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2415         assert(fields == [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 21, 20]);
2416     }
2417     {
2418         int[] fields;
2419         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0"];
2420         getopt(args,
2421                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2422         assert(fields == [-1]);
2423     }
2424     {
2425         short[] fields;
2426         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2427         getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler);
2428         assert(fields == [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 22, 21]);
2429     }
2430     {
2431         short[] fields;
2432         auto args = ["program", "--fields", "1", "--fields", "2,4,7-9,23-21"];
2433         getopt(args,
2434                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(short, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex));
2435         assert(fields == [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 21, 20]);
2436     }
2437     {
2438         short[] fields;
2439         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0"];
2440         getopt(args,
2441                "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(short, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero));
2442         assert(fields == [-1]);
2443     }
2445     {
2446         /* Error cases. */
2447         size_t[] fields;
2448         auto args = ["program", "-f", "0"];
2449         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2451         args = ["program", "-f", "-1"];
2452         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2454         args = ["program", "-f", "--fields", "1"];
2455         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2457         args = ["program", "-f", "a"];
2458         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2460         args = ["program", "-f", "1.5"];
2461         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2463         args = ["program", "-f", "2-"];
2464         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2466         args = ["program", "-f", "3,5,-7"];
2467         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2469         args = ["program", "-f", "3,5,"];
2470         assertThrown(getopt(args, "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler));
2472         args = ["program", "-f", "-1"];
2473         assertThrown(getopt(args,
2474                             "f|fields", fields.makeFieldListOptionHandler!(
2475                                 size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero)));
2476     }
2477 }
2479 /**
2480    `parseNumericFieldList` lazily generates a range of fields numbers from a
2481    'numeric field-list' string.
2482 */
2483 auto parseNumericFieldList(
2484     T = size_t,
2485     ConvertToZeroBasedIndex convertToZero = No.convertToZeroBasedIndex,
2486     AllowFieldNumZero allowZero = No.allowFieldNumZero)
2487 (string fieldList, char delim = ',')
2488 if (isIntegral!T && (!allowZero || !convertToZero || !isUnsigned!T))
2489 {
2490     import std.algorithm : splitter;
2491     import std.conv : to;
2493     alias SplitFieldListRange = typeof(fieldList.splitter(delim));
2494     alias NumericFieldGroupParse
2495         = ReturnType!(parseNumericFieldGroup!(T, convertToZero, allowZero));
2497     static struct Result
2498     {
2499         private SplitFieldListRange _splitFieldList;
2500         private NumericFieldGroupParse _currFieldParse;
2502         this(string fieldList, char delim)
2503         {
2504             _splitFieldList = fieldList.splitter(delim);
2505             _currFieldParse =
2506                 (_splitFieldList.empty ? "" : _splitFieldList.front)
2507                 .parseNumericFieldGroup!(T, convertToZero, allowZero);
2509             if (!_splitFieldList.empty) _splitFieldList.popFront;
2510         }
2512         bool empty() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
2513         {
2514             return _currFieldParse.empty;
2515         }
2517         T front() pure @safe
2518         {
2519             import std.conv : to;
2521             assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty numeric field-list.");
2522             assert(!_currFieldParse.empty, "Internal error. Call to front with an empty _currFieldParse.");
2524             return _currFieldParse.front.to!T;
2525         }
2527         void popFront() pure @safe
2528         {
2529             assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty field-list.");
2531             _currFieldParse.popFront;
2532             if (_currFieldParse.empty && !_splitFieldList.empty)
2533             {
2534                 _currFieldParse = _splitFieldList.front.parseNumericFieldGroup!(
2535                     T, convertToZero, allowZero);
2536                 _splitFieldList.popFront;
2537             }
2538         }
2539     }
2541     return Result(fieldList, delim);
2542 }
2544 // parseNumericFieldList.
2545 @safe unittest
2546 {
2547     import std.algorithm : each, equal;
2548     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
2550     /* Basic tests. */
2551     assert("1".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1]));
2552     assert("1,2".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1, 2]));
2553     assert("1,2,3".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1, 2, 3]));
2554     assert("1-2".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1, 2]));
2555     assert("1-2,6-4".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
2556     assert("1-2,1,1-2,2,2-1".parseNumericFieldList.equal([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]));
2557     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!size_t.equal([1, 2, 5]));
2559     /* Signed Int tests */
2560     assert("1".parseNumericFieldList!int.equal([1]));
2561     assert("1,2,3".parseNumericFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 3]));
2562     assert("1-2".parseNumericFieldList!int.equal([1, 2]));
2563     assert("1-2,6-4".parseNumericFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 6, 5, 4]));
2564     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!int.equal([1, 2, 5]));
2566     /* Convert to zero tests */
2567     assert("1".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0]));
2568     assert("1,2,3".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 2]));
2569     assert("1-2".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1]));
2570     assert("1-2,6-4".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 5, 4, 3]));
2571     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 4]));
2573     assert("1".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0]));
2574     assert("1,2,3".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 2]));
2575     assert("1-2".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1]));
2576     assert("1-2,6-4".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 5, 4, 3]));
2577     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).equal([0, 1, 4]));
2579     /* Allow zero tests. */
2580     assert("0".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2581     assert("1,0,3".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 0, 3]));
2582     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 2, 5]));
2583     assert("0".parseNumericFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0]));
2584     assert("1,0,3".parseNumericFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 0, 3]));
2585     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([1, 2, 5]));
2586     assert("0".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([-1]));
2587     assert("1,0,3".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0, -1, 2]));
2588     assert("1-2,5".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).equal([0, 1, 4]));
2590     /* Error cases. */
2591     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2592     assertThrown(" ".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2593     assertThrown(",".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2594     assertThrown("5 6".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2595     assertThrown(",7".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2596     assertThrown("8,".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2597     assertThrown("8,9,".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2598     assertThrown("10,,11".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2599     assertThrown("".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
2600     assertThrown("1,2-3,".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
2601     assertThrown("2-,4".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex).each);
2602     assertThrown("1,2,3,,4".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2603     assertThrown(",7".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2604     assertThrown("8,".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2605     assertThrown("10,0,,11".parseNumericFieldList!(long, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2606     assertThrown("8,9,".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2608     assertThrown("0".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2609     assertThrown("1,0,3".parseNumericFieldList.each);
2610     assertThrown("0".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2611     assertThrown("1,0,3".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, No.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2612     assertThrown("0-2,6-0".parseNumericFieldList!(size_t, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2613     assertThrown("0-2,6-0".parseNumericFieldList!(int, No.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2614     assertThrown("0-2,6-0".parseNumericFieldList!(int, Yes.convertToZeroBasedIndex, Yes.allowFieldNumZero).each);
2615 }